标致206轿车左右前轮罩支架落料模具设计 毕业论文.doc

标致206轿车左右前轮罩支架落料模具设计 毕业论文.doc

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标致206轿车左右前轮罩支架落料模具设计 毕业论文

摘 要 本篇论文论述了模具工业在国内的发展与现状,并介绍了AutoCAD和Pro/e在模具设计中的结合应用,详细论述左/右前轮罩支架落料模具设计过程。据零件的形状和工艺性要求,进行工艺分析,制定了零件的冲压成形工艺方案,重点阐述了落料模具设计。论述左/右前轮罩支架落料模具方案的比较和选择。根据零件形状、结合实际制定出合理的排样设计。详细介绍了左/右前轮罩支架落料模具的结构设计及关键零部件设计(包括冲裁力、卸料力和顶出力的计算,弹簧、卸料螺钉的选择,凸、凹模设计,上、下模板,导柱、导套的选择等)。简述了冲压设备的选择,并且编制了模具主要零部件制造工艺。简要阐述了利用AutoCAD进行模具设计过程和Pro/e三维建模,以及两者的结合,虚拟装配和干涉检查。 关键词:落料模具设计;工艺分析;结构设计;虚拟装配 Abstract This thesis discussed the development and actuality of die industry in our country, and introduced the combined use of AutoCAD and Pro/e in die design. Particularly discussed the designing process of pushing mold of the right and left cover bracket of the front wheel. Arts and crafts analyzing based on the arts and crafts requirement and part’s shape. Brought forward the punching and forming schemes of the part. Stressed the design process of excision m- old. Compared and adopted the schemes of pushing mold of the right and left cover bracket of the front wheel. Designed the arrangements of the parts on the material based on the shape of the parts and practice condition. Particularly discussed the designing of the mold’s main parts’ structure, including calculating the punching force, protrusion force, choosing springs and bolts, designing concave and convex die, choosing the fixing boards and guiding pole and sheath. Simply discussed how to choose the pressing equipment. Arranged manufacture arts and crafts for the main parts of mould. Simply discussed the designing process of the die by combined use of AutoCAD and Pro/e. Did virtual assemblage and interference verification. Keyword: punch die design; arts and crafts analysis; structure design; virtual assemblage 前 言 制造业是我国国民经济的支柱产业,其增加值约占我国国民生产总值(GDP)的40%以上,振兴制造业是启动我国经济新高潮的杠杆。从技术进步角度看,以计算机为中心的新一代信息技术的发展,全面推动了制造技术的飞跃发展,在不断汲取其他相关领域新技术的基础上,使创新贯穿于制造全过程,并使技术与管理相结合,不断推出新的制造模式,推动了人类生产活动不断进步。 中国已加入WTO,我国将获得一个更加稳定的国际经贸环境,大量外资企业将进入中国,各行各业将面临重大的机遇和挑战,模具行业也不例外,同时由于国内多数模具企业在技术上和质量上与国外先进水平存在较大差距,如何在最短时间内缩小这种差距,是关系到国内多数模具企业生存的关键问题。 随着我国汽车、摩托车、家电等工业的迅速发展,工业产品的外形在满足


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