变速器拨叉多工位专用钻床主轴部分及回转工作台设计 毕业论文.doc

变速器拨叉多工位专用钻床主轴部分及回转工作台设计 毕业论文.doc

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变速器拨叉多工位专用钻床主轴部分及回转工作台设计 毕业论文

变速器拨叉多工位专用钻床的设计 [摘要] 组合机床和组合机床自动线是一种专用高效自动化技术装备,目前,由于它仍是大批量机械产品实现高效,高质量和经济性生产的关键装备,因而被广泛应用于汽车,拖拉机,内燃机和压缩机等许多生产领域。其中,特别是汽车工业,是组合机床和自动线最大的用户。 现代组合机床作为机电一体化产品,它是控制,驱动,测量,监控,刀具和机械组件等技术的综合反映。近20年来,这些技术有长足进步,同时作为组合机床主要用户的汽车和内燃机等行业也有很大的变化,其产品市场寿命不断缩短,品种日益增多且质量不断提高。这些因素有力地推动和激励了组合机床和自动线技术的不断发展。 [关键词] 机床 自动化 机电一体化 Transmission fork multi-location special-purpose drilling machine design [Abstract] Combination of automated machine tools and machine tool portfolio is a dedicated high-performance line of automation technology and equipment, at present, it is still a large number of mechanical products for efficient, high-quality and economic production of key equipment, have been widely used in automobiles, tractors, internal combustion engines and many other areas of industrial production. which ,in particular the automotive industry, is the combination of the largest machine tool and automatic line user. Modern tools and automatic line combinations as a mechanical-electrical integration products, such as a comprehensive reflection of technology. Over the past 20 years, these technologies have made considerable progress, at the same time as the main user of combined machine tool and automotive industries, such as internal combustion engines have a lot of changes in the market for there products continue to shorten life expectancy, increasing variety and quality improved. These factors promote and stimulate the combination of machine tools and automatic lines for the continuous development of technology. [Keywords] machine tools automation mechanical-electrical integration 目 录 第1章 绪论 1.1 组合机床概述 1.1.1 什么组合机床 1.1.2 组合机床发展现状 1.1.3 组合机床的特点1.2 组合机床发展展望1.3 设计问题的提出1.4 设计计划安排 第2章 拨叉零件介绍及加工工艺2.1 拨叉零件介绍2.2 拨叉机械加工工艺路线2.3 零件工序图的作用和要求2.4 图的画法 第3章 拨叉的加工示意图 3.1 加工拨叉参数的选择3.2 绘制加工示意图应该注意的问题3.3 加工示意图的绘制 第4章 机床总体联系尺寸图 4.1 机床联系尺寸图的绘制内容及尺寸图的作用4.2 机床联系尺寸图各部件参数的选择 4.2.1 机床的配置 4.2.2选择动力部件 第5章 钻模板的设计第6章 多轴式主轴箱的设计 6.1 组合机床主轴箱的介绍6.2 主轴箱的设计 6.2.1主轴箱的轮廓尺寸 6.2.2 多轴箱所


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