双语阅读:不需要重复记忆 凡是更有效的记忆方法.pdf

双语阅读:不需要重复记忆 凡是更有效的记忆方法.pdf

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双语阅读:不需要重复记忆 凡是更有效的记忆方法

智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 双语阅读:不需要重复记忆 凡是更有效的记忆方法 双语阅读:不需要重复记忆 凡是更有效的记忆方法 Repetition Doesn’t Work: Better Ways to Train Your Memory 比重复更有效的记忆方法 A team of scientists recently discovered that repetition is a terrible way to memorize information—and their findings highlight much better strategies. 一组科学家最近发现重复记忆信息的方式是一种很糟的记忆方式, 新的记忆方式强调从策略上找出更好的记忆方式。 A new study published in Learning and Memory found that simple repetition interferes with the ability to learn new information, especially when it is similar to a set of familiar facts. This may mean that memorizing facts about an issue through repetition could interfere with the ability to remember a more nuanced version of the same issue later on. 一项新的研究发现发表在《学习和记忆》杂志上,简单的重复性记 忆方式干扰学习新信息的能力,尤其是记忆一组类似熟悉的事实。通过 反复重复的方式记住的东西可能会干扰对同一问题的更加具体版本的记 忆能力。 In study, subjects said a list of objects either one or three times. Later on, in the recall phase, another set of similar objects (lures) was snuck in. Those who had seen objects multiple times better recalled the original objects but had a harder time distinguishing the lures. In other words, their memories were stronger but less precise. Over the long run, repetition can be a false temptress, making us think weve learning something when we really havent. 在研究中,让参与者对一个单词列表重复记三遍左右。在接下来的 回忆阶段,在单词表里添加了一个相似的单词(“鱼饵”)。记过几遍 单词列表的人对原单词列表的记忆颇深,但很难注意到细微的区别。也 就是说,他们的记忆虽深但不够精确。从长期来看,重复性记忆很可能 会成为虚假的诱惑变成一个幌子,其实我们并没有精确地记住东西,只 是给我们造成的假象而已。 Here are a few tips for better memory: 这里有几个记忆小窍门: Pace your studying 给学习分段 Not all repetition is bad. Its more accurate to say that cramming is ineffective. “The better idea is to space repetition. Practice a little bit one day, then put your flashcards away, then take them out the next day, then two days later, explain McDaniel and Roediger. 并不是所有的重复性记忆都不可取,死记硬背没有用。“更好的办 法是空间式重复性记忆。一天练习着记一点,慢慢到了不用卡片记忆, 第二天,再把卡片拿出来记,两天后,再把卡片拿出来记,”麦克丹尼 尔·罗迪格解释说。 Mentally testing yourself on materials generally increases recall days later, even if theres no feedback on how well you actu


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