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南充美信服务有限责任公司 MicroCred Nanchong 2008年12月 December 2008 MicroCred Nanchong December 2008 2 内容Contents A. 美信集团 MicroCred Group B. 南充美信 Company Overview C. 公司治理 Governance D. 运作模式 Business Model E. 产品 Products F. 融资需求 Financing Needs MicroCred Nanchong December 2008 3 A 美信集团 MicroCred Group MicroCred Nanchong December 2008 4 A.美信集团 MicroCred Group 美信集团是一家致力于创建微型金融服务机构的投资公司,通过创建微型融资 银行和小额贷款公司,向无从获得传统金融服务的低收入微小企业提供金融服 务。 MicroCred is an investment company with a mission to create a group of microfinance banks and companies offering financial services to low-income entrepreneurs excluded from the traditional financial sector. 美信集团现已在墨西哥、马达加斯加、塞内加尔和中国等地设立了4家子公司 ,专业从事小额贷款业务。 MicroCred has been operating in Mexico, Madagascar, Senegal and China. 4 subsidiaries have been set for micro finance practice. MicroCred Nanchong December 2008 5 A. 美信集团 MicroCred Group 美信集团是由沛丰协会、世界银行国际金融公司、比利时安盛集团和法国兴业银 行投资设立,法国开发署和欧洲投资银行于2007年加入美信集团成为其股东。 MicroCred was founded by PlaNet Finance and a group of shareholders including Société Générale, Axa Belgium, and the International Finance Corporation. The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the French Development Agency (AFD) joined the initial shareholding structure in February 2007. MicroCred Nanchong December 2008 6 A. 美信集团 MicroCred Group 美信集团为其小额贷款子公司提供管理服务和技术援助服务: MicroCred S.A. provides management services and technical assistance to its microfinance companies, including: 全套方法和程序,包括: Complete set of methodologies and procedures, covering: ? 经营管理(贷款,存款,汇兑,保险等业务)Operations (credit and savings, money transfer, insurance etc.) ? 行政、财务管理和报告程序 Administration, finance and reporting ? 审计和风险监控 Audit and risk monitoring ? 人力资源管理 Human resources ? 沟通和营销 Communication and marketing tools MicroCred Nanchong December 2008 7 A. 美信集团 MicroCred Group 为所有员工提供培训 Training program for all staff ? 为客户经理提供理论和实践培训 Theoretical and practical trainings for loan officers ? 为行政人员提供实务培训Practical trainings for administrative and supporting staff ? 中高层管理人员专业指



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