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一、选择不同类的一项 1、( )A\ hamburger B\cola C\hot dog 2、( )A\ enjoy B\cent C\dollar 3、( )A\noodle B\rice C\water 4、( )A\chicken B\eat C\fish 5、( )A\want B\milk C\tea 二、单项选择 1、that’s a hamburger , it good. A\ look B\looks C\looking 2、---I want a cola. ---A cola me ,too. A\ for B\in C\on 3、---- is it? ---It’s five dollars. A\How much B\How many C\How long 4、Want do you want eat? A\at B\in C\to 5、Look ! It’s going to soon. A\rainy B\rain C\raining 6、We are going to eat ten o’clock. A\in B\on C\at 7、It’s beautiful day. A\a B\an C\the 8、Let’s under that tree. A\going B\go C\goes 9、 ducks are very noisy. A\This B\These C\That 10\ I am sending some A\ photoes B\ photos C\ photo 11\ The ducks are in the water. A\ swim B\swiming C\swimming 12\ Please soon. A\ write B\writes C\writing 13\ It is raining and we are A\ on the tree B\under the tree C\in the tree 14\ I am looking the window A\ out of B\ out C\of 15、She’s buying things your birthday. A\ to B\ for C\at 16、Come help us. A\ and B\ but C\or 17、What mess! A\an B\ a C\ the 18、I can’t everything. A\ carry B\ carries C\ carrying 19、They , “Happy Birthday, Daming!” A\speak B\say C\talk 20、She is eating dinner , the photo is ringing. A\ and B\ but C\ so 21\、I am flying the sky. A\ on B\ at C\ in 22、The dog is singing very A\ loudly B\loud C\louding 23、Daming is playing trumpet. A\ a B\ the C\ / 24、I am having ice cream. A\ a B\ an C\ the 25、Daming is back in China his family. A\ for B\ with C\from 26、It interesting. A\ look B\ looking C\ looks 27、Who it to you? A\ gave B\ gives C\ giving 28、That is for Sam’s brother , Tom. A\ ones B\ one C\ first 29、We can a baseball team. A\ have B\ gave C\ took 30、Yao Ming is 229 tall. A\ m B\ cm


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