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密级:公开 基于人因工程的 轿车舒适性评价研究 Studying on the Evaluation of Car Comfort Based on Human Factors 学 院:机械工程学院 专 业 班 级:工业工程 学 号: 学 生 姓 名: 指 导 教 师: 2010 年 6月 摘 要 随着生活水平的提高,人们对于轿车的要求也越来越高,尤其是舒适性方面。汽车工业作为一个国家的支柱产业,对国家的经济发展有着举足轻重的作用。汽车工业发展水平、家庭平均拥有汽车数量以及公路网建设规模等己成为衡量一个国家工业发达程度的标志。在当今一些发达国家,其汽车工业的发展更是对国家经济发展和社会稳定有着直接影响,汽车工业在为社会提供庞大就业机会的同时也促进了机械、电子、冶金等科学技术的发展。 本文通过对人因工程和系统评价方法具体深入理解后,建立了基于人因工程的轿车舒适性指标体系,运用层次分析法,模糊评价法等系统工程方法,对三种车进行综合评价,最后得出奇瑞品牌下一款汽车最优的结论。轿车舒适性指标体系可以分为两个方面,即驾驶员和乘车员舒适性指标体系,对两个体系分别评分计算后,按0.6和0.4权重进行计算,最后得出结果。 通过本文,可以充分了解我国现在的汽车行业在迅速发展,虽然还是不如美国、日本等国家,但它的发展潜力是巨大的。本文的研究能够有助于提高我国汽车设计的水平,努力缩小与发达国家的设计差距,推进我国汽车支柱产业的生产发展,当然,也为我们买车时做出正确选择提供了依据。 关键词:汽车座椅;舒适性;层次分析法;人因工程;系统评价 Abstract With the improvement of our living, People have become increasingly demanding for cars, particularly in terms of comfort. As a pillar industry of a nation automobile industry has a pivotal role on the countrys economic development. The development of automobile industry, the average number of cars of a family and the scale of road net has become the symbol of measuring national industrial development of a country. Now in some developed countries, the development of automobile industry in has a direct impact on national economic development and social stability. The automotive industry not only provides the community huge employment opportunities, but also promotes developing of the machinery, electronics, metallurgy and other scientific and technological at the same time. Based on understanding of the human factors and system evaluation deeply, we can have established a system of evaluating comfort of a car based on human factors .And then we can use AHP, fuzzy evaluation and so on which are methods of system engineering to comprehensively evaluate three cars, and finally a car of Chery brand come to a conclusion the best. The system about index of a car comfort can be divided into two aspects, namely, the systems of members of the driver and the vehicle comfort index


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