Chapter Eight A Syntactic Comparson between English and Chinese.ppt

Chapter Eight A Syntactic Comparson between English and Chinese.ppt

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Chapter Eight A Syntactic Comparson between English and Chinese

英语句子: (hypotaxis) 语法型或形合型 依仗形式(包括词的形态变化,词汇的衔接等)将语言符号由“散”(个体的词)到“集” (词组乃至语篇)的语言组织手段 汉语句子: (parataxis) 语义型或意合型 依仗意义,即内在的逻辑关系组织语言的手段。“以意统形” ---王力《中国语法理论》 Appreciation 1)我常见许多青年的朋友,2)聪明用功,3)成绩优异,4)而语文程度不足以达意,5)甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,6)问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面. (梁实秋《学问与趣味》) ①I have come across a great many young friends, ②bright and diligent, ③do exceedingly well in studies, ④but they are rather weak in Chinese, ⑤even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. ⑥When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese. 1)我常见许多青年的朋友,2)聪明用功,3)成绩优异,4)而语文程度不足以达意,5)甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,6)问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面. (梁实秋《学问与趣味》) I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language. Appreciation 1)我常见许多青年的朋友,2)聪明用功,3)成绩优异,4)而语文程度不足以达意,5)甚至写一封信亦难得通顺,6)问其故则曰其兴趣不在语文方面. (梁实秋《学问与趣味》) I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese and even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese. 他为人善良,乐于助人,工作勤苦,深受大家喜欢。 He is kind, ready to help others, diligent and thus deeply loved by everyone. 近年来,中、泰两国国民经济发展迅速,为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础。 ① In recent years the national economies of China and Thailand have quickly developed, providing a good foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. ② Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand, which has prepared for good economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. ③ China and Thailand, with the rapid development of their national economies in recent years, have laid a good foundation for their economic and trade cooperation. ④ The rapid development


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