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M.I.T You will see to it that the cyanide stays out of the aspirin, that the bull doesn’t jump the fence, or that your client doesn’t go to the electric chair as a result of your incompetence. go to the electric chair: to be punished by being killed in the electric chair. see to it (that): to make sure that. as a result of : because of paraphrase You have to take responsibility for the work you do. If you’re a pharmacist, you should make sure that aspirin is not mixed with poisonous chemicals. As an engineer, you shouldn’t get things out of control. If you become a lawyer, you should make sure an innocent person is not sentenced to death because you lack adequate legal knowledge and skill to defend your client. More to practice Translate 你来处理下次委员会会议安排,好吗? Key Will you see to the arrangements for the next committee meeting? Translate 父母让这个女孩确保她的弟弟在餐桌上表现良好。 Key The parents asked the girl to see to it that her younger brothers behave well at the table. Any differences between these two “see to”? the first see to: attend to, deal with; the second see to: make sure that. rear v. n. —v. a. to care for (children or a child) during the early stages of life; to bring up, to tend (growing plants or animals) b. to rise high in the air; to tower n. a hind part 后面,后边;后边的部分 Examples a kitchen in the rear of the house; rear a family Translate People rear a monument to martyr’s memory Key 人们为了纪念烈士而树立纪念碑。 More to learn Along with everything else, they will probably be what puts food on your table, supports your wife, and rears your children. along with: in addition to sb. / sth; in the same way as sb. / sth. Noun clause, used as predicative paraphrase In addition to all other things these professions offer, they provide you with a living so that you can support a family—wife and children. suffice for sb. / suffice to do sth. v. — be enough for sb. /sth., be adequate. Examples One warning sufficed to stop her doing it. Translate 不必细


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