Accelerating Particles from Scratch.ppt

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Accelerating Particles from Scratch

Accelerating Particles from Scratch David Eichler Nature distributes energy very unequally among particles. How to share the wealth? Groomed Nobility Exit Exams Affirmative Action Electron Heating in Ultrarelativistic shocks. b =B/B_, b=1 is asymptotically homogeneous critical point Note, when ge=1, equation of pseudo particle in pseudo potential (e.g. Tidman and Krall, 1968) But for relativistic shocks, need to solve for ge. b get The Basic Length Scale of the electrostatic transition is thus Environmental parameter Shock parameter Now try solving for ge (not so easy) Exact equations: Further approximations: Valid for * Democratic Capitalism (equal opportunity, but the rich get richer and eventually dominate) Groomed nobility (some particles born to be energetic) Entrance Exams (everyone beyond some high score) Affirmative action (unequal opportunity, but equality enforced, whatever it takes) Shock Acceleration Ion species about equally represented in Galactic CR, Solar Flares, Earth’s bow shock (FIP effect seems to be in thermal plasma) This smacks of equal opportunity, democratic capitalism High energy Medium energy xxx xxx Low Energy Anomalous Cosmic Rays : Mostly He, Ne, O, some H Why are these species privileged? Because they were neutral most of their lives back in their old neighborhood. They enter the acceleration process (solar wind termination shock) already having more energy than a typical particle in the thermal plasma. Sun photoionization uV Termination shock O, Ne, He Ex-neutral pickup xxx xxx ISM Exit Exams: Particles accrete into last stable orbit around Black Hole, each releasing about 0.1 mc2. Of these , less than 1 in 1000 emerge from inner accretion disk with Lorentz factors of 102 or more. What was the exit criterion ? Exit Exams: Particles accrete into last stable orbit around Black Hole, each releasing about 0.1 mc2. Of these , less than 1 in 1000 emerge from inner accretion


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