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情报学理论与方法 朱庆华 2008/09—2008/12 1 理论部分 1.1 对“理论”的理解 1.2 情报学研究中涉及到的理论 1.3理论流派 1.4 理论基础 1.1 对“理论”的理解 概念、原理的体系。是系统化了的理性认识。具有全面性、逻辑性和系统性的特征。理论的产生和发展既有社会实践决定,又有自身的相对独立性。理论必须与实践相结合,离开实践的理论是空洞的理论。科学的理论是在社会实践基础上产生并经过社会实践的检验和证明的理论,是客观事物的本质、规律性的正确反映。——《辞海》1999年版 what is theory? Some basic definitions include: theory as a supposition or system of ideas explaining something, especially one based on general principles independent of the facts, phenomena, etc., to be explained (e.g., atomic theory, theory of gravitation, evolution);. . . exposition of the principles of a science, etc., (the theory of music); (Math.) collection of propositions to illustrate principles of a subject (probability theory, theory of equations) ——Oxford English Dictionary a set of explanatory concepts (Silverman, 1993, p. 1), a statement or group of statements about how some part of the world works—frequently explaining relations among phenomena(Vogt, 1993, p. 232), an internally connected and logically consistent proposition about relationships among phenomena (Odi, 1982, p. 313), a systematic explanation for the observed facts and laws that relate to a particular aspect of life (Babbie, 1992, p.55) a unified, systematic explanation of a diverse range of social phenomena“ (Schwandt, 1997, p. 154), generalizations which seek to explain relationships among phenomena (Grover Glazier, 1986, p. 228). in the broad sense of a description or explanation of the nature of things, not in the more restricted sense, used in some sciences, of denoting fundamental laws formally stated and falsifiable.“(Buckland (1991, p. 18) 1.2 情报学研究中涉及到的理论 情报学缺乏好的理论,这是个众所周知的事实。——Hj0rland, B., Albrechtsen, A. (1995). Information science are to delineate their disciplinary boundaries and build a central body of knowledge, then they require their own theoretical bases for framing research problems, building arguments, and interpreting empirical results. 情报学领域无疑需要建立一个统一的概念逻辑关系基础或“概念导航系统”(conceptual navigation yst


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