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课 题 Section D 单元课时 12 学习目标 1. Knowledge aims: 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,归纳总结定语从句。 2. Skill aims: 能够总结定语从句的用法。 能够谈论可能要发生的事情。 能够通过1b, 学会“用英语学英语”。 3. Emotional aims: (optional) 培养辩证的科学价值观。 教材分析 重点 掌握本课的重点词汇和短语,归纳总结定语从句。 难点 1.The scientist also warns that if we are lucky, they might treat us as we now treat our pets. 2.Perhaps there will be a war between human beings and robots. 3.In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves. 4.However, once robots can think for themselves, problems may appear. 教 法 三疑三探 学 法 自学、合作、探究 教具学具 各种机器人的图片/做墙报用的8开的纸/彩笔/一本英英词典/ppt等。 教学过程 一、设疑自探(10分钟) (一)创设情境,导入新课 Encourage the Ss read out their HMK which was assigned in Section C. T: Hi, boys and girls, happy to see you again. Have you finished your homework? T: Who would like to share your passage? How about you, xxx? (二)根据课题,提出问题 看到这个课题,你想知道什么?请提出来。 (预设:Could you tell me the disadvantages and the advantages of computer? ) 同学们提的问题都很好(真好),大多都是我们本节应该学习的知识,老师将大家提出的问题归纳、整理、补充为下面的自探提示,希望能为大家本节的学习提供帮助。请看: (三)出示自探提示,组织学生自探。(7分钟) 自探提示: Find out 1 Words and phrases: 2 Sentences: 3 The disadvantages and the advantages of computer: 4 Understand 1a 二、解疑合探(15分钟) (一).小组合探。 1.小组内讨论解决自探中未解决的问题; 2.教师出示展示与评价分工。 问题 1 2 3 4 展示 5 6 7 8 评价 1 2 3 4 (二).全班合探。 1.学生展示与评价; Words and phrases: certain, for certain, on one’s own, warn, might, housework, so far, be surprised at, no longer Sentences: 1.No one knows for certain, but most people think that robots will be part of our lives. 2.In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves. 3.One scientist warns that if robots start to think for themselves, they will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters. The disadvantages and advantages: 2.教师点拨或精讲。 One scientist warns that if robots s


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