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An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨。 Module 5 Museums Unit 1 Don’t cross that rope! No parking. Don’t turn left. No smoking. signs Lead in No entry QUIET PLEASE No shouting No photos Don’t touch Signs around you Look and learn! Don’t swim. Don’t drink. No fire. Don’t jump. New words upstairs exhibition rule against the rule in trouble tail rope entry No entry. no good no wonder missing downstairs punish 往楼上;在楼上 展览;展览会 规则;法则 违反规定 遇上麻烦;处于困境 尾;尾巴 粗绳;绳索 进入权;进入许可 禁止入内。 不合适的;不方便的 难怪;不足为奇 找不到的;失踪的 往楼下;在楼下 惩罚;惩处 upstairs adv.在楼上;往楼上 Henry lived upstairs. 亨利住在楼上。 She ran upstairs. 她往楼上跑去。 n. 楼上 They had to rent out the upstairs to make mortgage payments.他们不得不把楼上的房屋出租以还房贷。 The house has no upstairs. 这房子只有一层。 entry n. 1. 进入,入场;参赛,参加[(+into)] He supported that country’s entry into the European Common Market. 他支持那个国家加入欧洲共同市场。 2. 进入权[U] The people without a ticket are denied entry. 没有票的人不许入内。 no wonder 难怪 后面接从句。例如: No wonder you couldn’t fall asleep. 难怪你睡不着。 No wonder it looks real. 难怪它看起来跟真的似的。 Match the signs with the rules. Dont touch. No smoking. No shouting. No photos. a d c b Now work in pairs. Tell your partner the rules. You are not allowed to touch it. You are not allowed to smoke. You are not allowed to take photographs. You are not allowed to shout. ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ _____________________________ Read the dialogue in Activity 3 Write down what you cannot do in the museum. No shouting. No photos. Dont cross the rope. No entry. Now check ( ) the rules mentioned in the conversation. Listen and read Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. downstairs exhibition missing punish rope rule tail upstairs Lingling and Betty needed some information for their projects, so they wanted to go (1)__________ to the Animal Room, but Daming got into trouble at the monkey (2)___________. D


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