高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 M5 U 4 making the news.docVIP

高中英语教学资料 M5 U4 M5 U 4 making the news.doc

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Jan. 6 ,2014 Monday 金考卷湖北卷2 the 1st period in U 4--1 No.86 Teaching Aims: 2012 金考卷湖北卷 New words in Unit 4 take a photograph of sb. 给拍照 I took a photograph of them when they were shaking hands. have/get a photograph taken请人给自己照相 have a photograph taken with和合影 have oneself photographed occupation n.职业[C]n,占有 [U]n Please sign your name, age and occupation below. He is a physician by occupation./ profession. 职业是内科医生 He has been occupying himself in designing the project. be occupied with sth. /in doing sth. 忙于,从事于 occupation 泛指任何一种职业,不分行业,脑力,体力劳动 profession 指要受过高等教育才能获得的职业(法律,医生) 指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练具有某种专门知识的职业 profession We are eager for success. 渴望…,很想… She is eager to go to college, but anxious about not passing the entrance exams. be eager that clause 他很渴望见到他的女儿。He was (is) eager to see his daughter. 我们都很想那项工程早点开始。We were eager that the project would start early. concentrate on/upon sth./ doing sth集中精力做 We should _concentrate on/ upon____our study./ work improving education. Tom is _concentrating/ed on/ upon_fishing. The boy is _______________ reading. concentrating on acquire 是一种逐渐获得的过程,此过程持续而缓慢 Gradually we acquired experience in how to do the work. We must work hard to acquire a good knowledge of English./computers gain往往指通过努力或有意识的行动而获得某种有价值/有意义的东西 I hope you will gain still greater success. v. n. 援助,协助 assist sb. __with___ sth. assist sb. _in__ doing assistant __________助手 售货员 assistance ________帮助 meanwhile = meantime 同时 = in the meantime = at the same time adv. 妈妈去购物,与此同时,我打扫房间。 My mother went shopping. Meanwhile, I cleaned the house. Whether we can go to swim __ depends___on/upon the temperature of the water. _____ depends. 看情况而定。That __ depends. 看情况而定。It __ ___ depends. 看情况而定。It all ____ ____ depend on it. 你放心好了 You may It’s a case of theft. 例子;案件 There are five cases of food poisoning in the hospital.病例 It may rain you’d better take an umbrella in


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