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Winter Vocation Intensive Reading Program 银海学校国际部寒假精读任务 要求:1. 寒假期间完成本阅读计划所有文章精读,查出所有生词,并在文章中注明生词发音、词性、意义,通读全文; 2.准备一本崭新笔记本,要求每篇文章整理20个单词或者词组,注明词性、意义;每篇文章整理10个句子,并且翻译;整理于笔记本内; 3. 每篇文章最后都要求大声朗读10遍以上,单词发音准确且流利,寒假结束时,要求使用录音软件将每篇文章朗读一次(必须做到准确、流利),将录音文件发至Ernie邮箱:104436609@; Story 11 Philosophy of a Donkey One day a donkey fell into a dry well and was unable to move. The farmer racked his brain but could not think of a way to get the donkey out. Several hours passed. The farmer decided to give up. He thought, “The donkey is too old now anyway. But the well should be filled in or the donkey will cry for a long time. Other people or animals could also possibly fall into the well. Besides, filling in the well will mean that the donkey will die quickly. So the farmer asked his neighbors to help fill in the well. Everyone took a shovel and began to put mud into the well. In the beginning, the donkey seemed to understand his situation and began to wail loudly. Unexpectedly, he soon quieted down. Surprisingly, the people found that he had found a way to save his life! At first, when the mud fell onto his back, the donkey shook it off as a natural reaction. Soon the mud piled up in the bottom of the well and the donkey was able to stand on the pile. Gradually, the donkey shook off all the mud as it was put into the well. A large pile grew and the donkey then stood on it. Eventually, the mud turned into something to save his life. At last, the mud pile reached a height near the top of the well. Much to the people’s surprise, the donkey was so excited to be at the top that he scrambled out and hurried away! Story 12 A Six-Word Maxim Thirty years ago, a young man left his hometown in search of his dream and career. He was a little terrified as this was the first time he left his hometown, so he went to the most revered man’s home t


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