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Preliminary WS2801
3-Channel Constant Current LED Driver With Programmable PWM Outputs
? Supports both constant voltage and constant current drive mode ? LED decorative lighting
? Programmable constant LED drive current
? Indoor/Outdoor LED video or massage display
? Wide constant output current range 5~150mA
? PWM signal generator
? Build in PWM dimming scheme for each output channel,
? LCD TV back lighting
supports free-run, especially suitable for low cost controller
? PWM free-run capability(refresh rate(2.5KHz)
? Build in buffers to cascading data and clock to the next driver
? Output polarity reverse function
? Support hot swap
? Maximum input clock frequency 25MHz
? Power supply voltage 3.3~5.5V
General Description
The WS2801 is a constant current LED driver. It is designed for indoor/ outdoor LED displays and decorative LED lighting system.
It is suitable for LED cascading applications. The WS2801ownes 3 output channels, each channel can drive a constant current up
to 30mA. WS2081 contains serial shift registers, data latches, output registers, band gap reference voltage generator, internal
oscillator, and programmable constant output current drivers. The serial data is read into the shift registers at the rise edge of the
external clock. The data and clock output buffers are designed for cascading another chip. The output polarity reverse function is
designed for driving high power LED by adapting the application circuitry. The WS2801 adopts the reliable 2-wire scheme, which
features low EMI transport, very strong anti-interference ability, and support hot-swap. The 2-wire control scheme can reduce the
system cost; it is very suitable for low cost LED decorative LED lighting systems.
WS2801 is available in both SOP-14 and DIP-14 packages, the operating temperature is -40~85℃
Pin Configurations
Typical Application Circuit
Fig1.a SOP-14 package
Fig1.b DIP-14 package
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Preliminary WS2801
- LEDROPELIGHT-AmericanLighting.pdf
- LEDSpecSheet.pdf
- LEDsolutionsLEDemergencylightingsystemSolutionsfor.pdf
- LEDOutdoorLighting-LSIIndustriesInc.pdf
- LEDPRODUCT-MaxLite.pdf
- ledtaillights&flashersinstallation-PoisonSpyder.pdf
- LEDTesting&Application.pdf
- LEDStreetLightingWebinar.pdf
- LEDSolutionsGuide-TheBergquistCompany.pdf