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Culture makes me what I am 伟大的祖国母亲——中国 Our motherland ——China, is emerging front and center on the global economic stage as a new member of the World Trade,Organization (WTO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). Beijing hosted the 2008 Summer Olympics and Shanghai hosted the Expo 2010. Moreover, China is becoming a major trading nation. Is Western culture ready to respect a country known primarily for population control and communism? NO!!! As the Xi Da Da President to visit abroad, as well as the major international events held in China, China has a far-reaching influence in the world! More and more countries wants to know Chinese culture. We understand our country’s culture very well, so,let’s take a look at the culture of other countries The world is composed of different countries, each country, each nation has their own different culture. Especially the most obvious difference between country and country, such as language, living habits, etc. However, these differences are derived from the culture of each country is different. Now, we want to introduce five different country’s culture to you they are Australia France Germany Greek America The first one——Australia Australia is the worlds sixth largest country in land area, a large land area than the entire half of Western. Australia is not only a vast land and rich of resources and is the most economically developed countries, is the worlds fourth largest agricultural exporter, but also the worlds first volume of mineral exports a variety of countries. Australia is a nation of immigrants, pursuing multi-cultural, 20% of the population born in countries outside Australia. Australia is a sports power,and it is also a global sporting event of the year a number of host countries 澳大利亚是全球土地面积第六大的国家,国土面积比整个西欧大一半。澳大利亚不仅国土辽阔,而且物产丰富,是南半球经济最发达的国家,是全球第四大农业出口国,也是多种矿产出口量全球第一的国家。澳大利亚是一个移民国家,奉行多元文化,20%的居民出生在澳大利亚以外的国家和地区。澳大利亚也是一个体育强国,是全球多项体育盛事的常年举办国。 Australia impression People usually use these words to


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