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                19 4 PETROCHEM ICAL TECHNOLOGY 200 7 36 许  茜 , 王保伟 , 许根慧 (, [] :、 C1 、。 。 [] ; ;; [ ] 1000 - 8144(2007)02 - 0194 - 06   [ , , C1 ,、 ] TQ 223. 16   [ 30 007 2) ;, 、 , ]A Technolog ical D evelopm en t of E thylene G lycol P roduction Xu Q ian ,W ang Baowei , Xu G enhui (Key Laboratory for G reen Ch em ical T echno logy, Schoo l of C hem ical Eng ineering and Techno logy, T ian jin Un ivers ity, T ian jin 300072, C h ina) [ Ab stract] The traditiona l technology for m anufacturing ethylene g lycol at home and abroad w as review ed, including d irec t hydration and ca talytic hydration of ethylene oxide. D evelopment of the technology was also described as follow ing:co - produc tion of d im ethyl carbona te and e thylene glycol, and C1 chem istry techno logy. The latter involved ethylene process, syngas process and indirect synthesis by m e thanol and form aldehyde. Am ong these, ind irect synthesis by oxa late, one of the syngas processes, gains advantage over the others. The reac tion cond itions are relatively m ild and great prosperity in future w ill be expec ted. But based on the fact of curren tly h igh crude oil price, and comparison of various synthe tic processes, the relevant deve lopm ent in China should be dec ided accord ing to recent econom ical and technological cond itions. [ K eyw ords] e thylene glycol;ethylene oxide;catalytic hydration;C1 chem istry    , EG , 、 , (EG ) 、、 EG (DMC) 、C1 , , 、 , 、、 EG , 。 EG 1 EG 1. 1  EG , [ 1] , 。 (EO ) ( )(20 ~ 22) ∶1 , 2. 5M Pa 130 ~ 180 ℃、1. 0 ~ 18 ~ 30m in, EO , 10% EG , 。、 EG (DEG )、 (TEG ) 。 100 ∶10 ∶1, EG , DEG, TEG 88%。 , EO 。 [ ] 2006 - 09 -16;[ [ ] (1983— ), , , xuq ian01 @ gm a i.l com。 w angbw@ tju. edu. cn。 ] 2006 - 10 - 20。 , :, 022 -  2 . 1 95 、、, [ 2] 。 1. 2  , , 20 70 EG , , EG 、 UCC D ow [ 4, 5] [ 6] 、 、 EG , EG 。 EO , Shell [ 3] 、 [ 7] 。 、 。 [ 8 ~ 12] UCC Shell 。 She ll 96% ~ 98%, EG , EO 97% ~ 98%。 S iO2 ,[ 13] EO EG 。 (1 ~ 6) ∶1、90 ~ 150 ℃、0. 2 ~ 2M Pa 。 :[ 14 ~ 24] UCC


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