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The Solar System A Fifth Grade Science Introduction A solar system consists of a star and objects that revolve around it. Our Solar System consists of the Sun and nine known planets and the moons that orbit those planets. The force of gravity keeps planets in orbit around the sun. The Sun It is over one million times larger than Earth. It is eight light minutes away from Earth or 92,957,000 miles. The temperature is 15 million degrees K. One K = 13-25 million degrees! The Nine Known Planets The Inner Planets The Outer Planets Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Mercury Closest planet to the sun Approximately half the size of Earth Rocky surface covered by craters No water or air results in unchanged appearance Surface temperatures are hot enough to melt lead Uranus Seventh planet from the Sun Four times larger in diameter than the Earth Blue-green in color The tilt of the axis causes sunlight for 42 years at a time Venus Second planet from the Sun Approximately the same size as the Earth Atmosphere consists of poisonous gases Earth Third planet from the Sun Largest of the four inner planets Only planet where life is known to exist 70% of the surface is covered by water Mars Fourth planet from the Sun Approximately half the size of Earth Known as the Red Planet Has four seasons similar to Earth Resembles Earth more than any other planet Jupiter Fifth planet form the Sun Largest planet in our Solar System 1300 Earths could fit inside Jupiter Doesn’t have a surface; made of gases Saturn Sixth planet from the Sun Second largest planet 800 Earths could fit inside Saturn Thousands of rings are made up of ice and rock fragments Neptune Eighth planet form the Sun Four times larger in diameter than the Earth Blue in color Pluto Ninth planet from the Sun Smallest of the planets Coldest planet Unusual orbit caused it to be the 8th planet from 1979 - 1999! Let’s compare the planets to Earth A day on : Mercury = 3 Earth month


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