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高考语法专项练习:形容词与副词 四川省武胜县乐善中学 符小林 一.基础练习 1. If I had___, I would visit Europe, stopping at all the small interesting places. A. a long enough holiday B. an enough long holiday C. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough 2. These oranges taste___. A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well 3. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard___.   A. the better voice B. a good voice C. the best voice D. a better voice 4. I would be___, if you could give me an early reply.   A. pleasant B. grateful C. satisfied D. helpful 5. Those T-shirts are usually $35 each, but today they have a (an)___price of $19 in the shopping center.   A. regular B. special C. cheap D. ordinary 6. Mr Smith bought a___purse for his wife. A. small black leather B. black leather small C. small leather black D. black small leather 7. —— How was your job interview? —— Oh, I couldn’t feel___. I hardly found proper answers to most of the questions they asked.   A. better B. easier C. worse D. happier 8. Longjing tea, Jasmine tea and Wuyi tea are all famous,but which do you think_____?   A. tastes best B. smells most C. sounds best D. drinks mostly 9. —— Can Li Hua help me with my English?  —— I regret to tell you her English is_____yours. A. as good as B. no more than C. no better than D. as much as 10. Although he sometimes loses his temper, his students like him_____for it.   A. not so much B. not so little C. no more D. no less 11. When they came in, Mr Harris______like a baby.  Nobody would like to wake him from a good dream,because he needed rest.   A. fell asleep B. was sound asleep C. got asleep D. went to sleep 12. This year they have produced___ grain ___they did last year.   A. as less; as B. as few; as C. less; than D. fewer; than 13. —— Can I help you?   —— Well, I’m afraid the box is___heavy for you,but thank you all the same. A. so


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