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皮肤、淋巴结、头颈部评估 Physical assessment of the skin, lymph nodes, head and neck 教学目标Course Objectives 说出皮肤、淋巴结、头及颈部检查的内容。 To describe the content of the physical examination of the skin, lymph nodes, head and neck 解释头、颈部重要异常体征的临床意义。(皮肤损害、皮下出血、巩膜黄染、瞳孔异常、颈静脉充盈等)。 To explain the significance of the important abnormal symptoms 判断扁桃体、甲状腺肿大分度。 To distinguish the enlargement of tonsil and thyroid gland 正确进行皮肤、淋巴结、头颈部检查。 To correctly assess the patient’s skin, lymph nodes, head and neck 教学内容Topical Outline 皮肤评估 Assessing the skin 淋巴结评估 Assessing the lymph nodes 头部评估 Assessing the head 颈部评估 Assessing the neck 皮肤评估Assessing the skin(1) 皮肤的结构 The structure of skin 皮肤的功能 The function of skin 皮肤评估Assessing the skin(2) 方法 method 视诊 inspection 触诊 palpation 内容 content 颜色color 苍白(pallor) 发红(redness) 发绀(cyanosis) 黄染(stained yellow) 色素沉着(pigmentation) 色素脱失 (depigmentation) 温度temperature 体温升高 body temperature increases 发热 fever 甲亢 hyperthyroidism 炎症 inflammation 体温降低 body temperature decreases 休克 shock 甲减 hypothyroidism 雷诺病 Raynaud’s Desease 湿度moisture 与汗腺分泌功能有关 is associated with the secretion of sweat gland 多汗 excessive moisture 甲状腺功能亢进 hyperthyroidism 无汗 excessive dryness 脱水 dehydration 弹性 elasticity 手背或上臂内侧 pinching the skin on an extremity 正常:富有弹性 when pinched, skin springs back to previous state 弹性减弱:老年人、营养不良、脱水患者 skins stays pinched or moves back slowly (e.g., in older, malnutrition,dehydration) 皮疹skin eruption 斑疹 maculae 丘疹 papules 斑丘疹 maculopapulae 荨麻疹 urticaria 疱疹 herpes 皮下出血(subcutaneous hemorrhage) 瘀点(petechia): 直径〈2毫米 紫癜(purpura): 直径3—5毫米 瘀斑(ecchymosis): 直径〉5毫米 血肿(hematoma): 片状出血伴有皮肤显著隆起 蜘蛛痣与肝掌 蜘蛛痣(spider angioma) 皮肤小动脉末端分支性扩张所形成的血管痣,形似蜘蛛,故称为蜘蛛痣。 肝掌(liver palms) 慢性肝病患者,手掌大小鱼际发红,压之退色,称为肝掌。 水肿(edema ) 皮下结节(subcutaneous nodules) 瘢痕(scar) 毛发(hair) 淋巴结评估Assessing the lymph nodes 分布于全身 widely distributed Normal findings: not palpable Abnormal findings: enlarged, palpable, possibly tender (associated with infection and tumors) 头部评估Assess


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