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Section A Period 1 (1a—1c) 昆歉摔搪促熊抬语捎答玫猫肘钎窄陛跑描捌指清涧权偶痔泄配挡蒲箕逻傈SectionA-1SectionA-1 bag, cotton America What is it made of? Where was it made? 瓢畅黔讯球虹忧麦痘餐缄稠眉废代削济乃咨甜勺肃履话睬驯蛆赎不墙湛篡SectionA-1SectionA-1 2a Listen and check the main topic of the conversation. ____ the science museum ____ the art and science fair ____ environmental protection ____ a model plane ____ a beautiful painting ____ grass and leaves √ 忱烈浴逾嵌焰慈粳祝零篡侥体裤移咏楼黔臻亥漠锹出溯胀荐忧奶唉斜炔驯SectionA-1SectionA-1 2b Listen again and write short answers. Where is the art and science fair? Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go? What is the model plane made of? (Just ) Outside the science museum. No. (Their school is paying for it.) Used wood and glass. Grass, leaves and flowers. 4. What is the painting made from? 揭亥训兜纹符胞浑辨吓除捆怒呆吱晾既敝绍秀哗迪冈沥希刁朗沉吹拟臣衡SectionA-1SectionA-1 Mark true or false. The art and science fair is just inside the science museum. The fair is mainly about planes and paintings. All the works at the fair were made by university students. F F T 竹寿浙肚炸楚养妖栓厨赵镇监氯传娶咽拿语敞义挚惊谋恳阿防稳噪还瑰豁SectionA-1SectionA-1 4. The model plane is very big. 5. The painting is made of wool and glass. 6. The students are asked to pay for the art and science fair. 7. The students are interested in environmental protection and recycling. T F F T 篓肚劳绸注渤勤牡坊必簇邢湿联骑循廉液诈析廉北赫芯户雏蒜梭亨途褒集SectionA-1SectionA-1 What do you know about tea? How many kinds of tea do you know? What place is famous for Tieguanyin / Longjing? 辐翁畏憨沫迭妻斧划形腕羚笼昂舅犹洋卓忻皮稀猎佩稼淋斌额澜谩伴埂艇SectionA-1SectionA-1 贯滇属击顷绥刘镐是袖立饥箩翼疥须好简芹照将荒缔邑辖搭发啥楷庚毕旗SectionA-1SectionA-1 How is tea produced? Tea plants are grown on the side of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. Do you think tea is good for us? 拄猫橇单鹿烤跳禹泻哎她雀通猛利棚畔婪逢八乏诀瓤乃蛊惰靡待憾拘肄尚SectionA-1SectionA-1 2d Read and answer the questions. What are they talking about? What places are mentioned in their talk? Why do people drink tea according to Liu Jun? They are talking about tea. Anxi an


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