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2. Quality 2.1 Definition: The intrinsic quality and outside form or shape of the goods. 2.2 Methods 2.2.1 Sales by actual quality(实物表示商品品质): Sales by Sample(凭样品买卖): Sales by Seller’s Sample ( Duplicate samples); Sales by Buyer’s Sample( Return sample) Case 2 凭我方样品成交,对美国出口高档瓷器一批,合同中规定有“货到目的港60天内复验,索赔有效”条款。货到经对方复验后,并未提出异议。事过一年,对方来电称:“这批瓷器全部釉裂,必须按原价降低60%,否则全部退回。”接电后,经查验我方留存之复样,也发现釉下裂纹。问我方应如何处理? Case 3 An import and export company in China reached a transaction of exporting sickle(镰刀)to a Thailand imported by “sale by samples”. The contract stipulated that the valid period of re-inspection was within 60 days after the goods arrival at the port of destination. The Thailand importer did not raise any objections to the goods after the re-inspection of the arrival goods at the port of the destination.100 days later, however, the Thailand importer called, saying that: All the sickles were rusted and had to be on sale. Therefore Thailand importer claimed a 40%of the total price as a compensation for their losses. Then the seller immediately reviewed our retained sample, also found the similar problem. Question: should the seller agree on the buyer’s requirements? Why? Case 4 某出口公司凭买方样品成交金属拉手一批,合同规定3-4月份装船,但须买方认可回样后方能装运。2月下旬买方开来信用证也有同样的字句。我方多次试制回样未得到买方认可,故我不能如期装运。到了5月份,买方以延误船期而要求赔偿。问我方该如何处理? Case 5 A Chinese export company made a transaction of apples with a foreign company. It’s stipulated “second-class apples” in the quality terms on the contract of sales and letter of credit. However, they found the second-class apples had been all sold out when they began to arrange the shipment. As a result, the company switched to the delivery of “first-class apples”, and the invoice stated that:“ the price of the “first-class apples is the same as that of the second-class”. Finally, the importer refused to accept and pay due to the inconsistency with the quality contract terms. Question: What do you think of this case? 机电仪表及大宗初级产品宜于凭规格、等级或标准买卖;工艺品宜于凭样品买卖;有特色的名优产品宜于凭牌号或商标买卖;机


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