Module2 Diaries.ppt

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Module2 Diaries.ppt

Look at the statement below, say whether they are true or false? In summer it’s the best time to plant trees.( ) The earth should be very wet.( ) The hole must be very big and deep.( ) The ground can’t be too hard.( ) The tree must be put straight in the hole.( ) F F F T T Practice 学的怎么样?试试看! C D B A B B B C B D 用所给词的适当形式填空 had Did practice didn’t did do watched read went didn’t visit stated did did write wrote studied practiced Did do did was wasn’t Was wasn’t Act together now! Please stop cutting , plant more trees, and make our earth more beautiful! Homework Sum up the words or phases used in the simple past tense. Do more exercises about the simple past tense. * Module2 Diaries Unit4 Tree Planting Day Studying Aims: 1. 树立起强烈的环境保护的意识。 2. 单词: 会品读本单元生词,尤其是有关植树的词汇,并掌握其用法。 3. 语法:加强对过去式的学习,熟练掌握动词过去式的规则和不规则变化。 4. 写作能力:掌握英语日记格式,会用英语写日记。 New Words Guiding Knowledge Important Points Work with Language Homework Text Learning Guiding Knowledge1: 曾经绿色的地球 很久很久以前,地球是一个充满生机的星球,许多星球都很羡慕她的美丽和生机,羡慕地球上数不胜数的物种和生命。 绿色就是生命,这是对绿色植物作用的高度概括。说明绿色植物对人类存在的重要性,在人类历史发展长河中,森林与人类栖息与共,是它们哺育了人类,没有森林就不会有我们。 植被被破坏后的现象 森林资源遭到破坏,不仅人类生产和生活所需要的木材和野生资源缺乏,更重要的是大自然失去了森林的调节,水土流失加剧,旱涝灾害增多,自然环境的恶化使得野生动物也失去了繁衍栖息的场所而濒临灭绝。 What shall we do? It will be Tree Planting Day next Tuesday.We’ll plant trees in many different places. Many years ago,there were plenty of trees on the earth. But pollution becomes a big problem now,that’s all because people are overcutting down the trees.They are destroying the environment now.And one good way to reduce the pollution is to stop overcutting , plant more trees from now on. Guiding Knowledge2: About Tree Planting Day How does it come into being?(中国植树节的由来) -----孙中山先生,中华民国、国民党的创始人,被尊称为国父。他生前十分重视林业建设,1915年7月,在孙中山先生的倡议下,当时的北洋政府规定每年清明节为植树节,自此我国有了植树节。 1925年3月12日,孙中山先生逝世,为了纪念孙中山先生,把每年的3月12日定为植树节。 -----由于我国幅员辽阔,气候条件差异较大,所以各地适合植树的时间也不一致,许多省市便规定了自己的植树日。 美国植树节 Arbor Day (美)04:04 diary n. 日记 keep a diary 记日记 Tree Planting Day 植树节3.12 hole n. 洞,孔;洞穴,穴;突


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