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公众人物隐私权研究 摘 要 从隐私权理论产生至今,关于公众人物隐私权的保护问题一直是有关司法实践关注的焦点之一。公众人物作为自然人享有隐私权,并应受到法律的保护,这是毋庸置疑的。但是,由于公众人物的某些个人生活已经成为社会生活或政治生活的一部分。因而,他们的隐私权的法律保护又不能完全等同于一般自然人,而应当受到相应的限制。当然,这种限制也仅限于公众人物的那些与社会公共利益或政治生活相关的隐私,而对于其他隐私应给予同其他自然人同等的法律保护。在当今社会,侵害公众人物隐私权的事件日益增多,公众人物要求法律保护其隐私权的强烈呼吁,使得保护公众人物隐私权成为一个不容回避的问题。本文将对公众人物隐私权的几个基本问题包括:公众人物的概念范围、隐私权的概念、公众人物隐私权的内容、侵权的责任构成以及当前出现的问题如何保护等等进行分析,以此来探究公众人物的隐私权问题。 关键词:公众人物 隐私权 侵权法 Research privacy of public figures Abstract Have so far from the theoretical right to privacy, public figures regarding the protection of privacy on the judicial practice has been the focus of attention of one of. Public figures as a natural right to privacy and the protection of the law should be, no doubt. However because of some public figures personal life or social life has become part of political life. Thus ,their legal protection of privacy can not be exactly the same natural persons in general and should be restricted accordingly .Of course, such restrictions are limited to those public figures and social public interests or the political life of privacy-related, and other privacy of natural persons should be given with the other the same legal protection. In today’s society , public figures against the increasingly frequent attacks on privacy, public figures to protect their privacy, the law of the strong appeals made to protect the privacy of public figures to be a problem that should not be evaded. In this paper, the right to privacy of public figures. Including some basic questions; the scope of the concept of public figures. the concept of the duty as well as the current problems in the analysis of low to protect and so on in order to to explore the issue of privacy of public figures. Keywords: public figures right of privacy tort law 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc9131 摘 要 PAGEREF _Toc9131 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc8215 一、公众人物隐私权概述 PAGERE


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