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消费者对可追溯猪肉的认知与支付意愿分析 ——基于上海市调研 摘要 我国是生猪养殖和消费大国,猪肉是我国老百姓主要的肉食品种,目前猪肉占国内肉类消费量的比重超过60%。但是,近年来国内食品安全问题频繁爆发,消费者对食品安全问题也日益关注。政府部门和企业为了完善食品安全体系、加速我国食品产业体系发展,引入了食品可追溯制度。但是笔者发现由于政府和企业宣传力度不够,消费者对可追溯农产品并不是很了解。鉴于此,笔者以上海市消费者为研究对象,对消费者对可追溯猪肉的认知与支付意愿进行调研分析。通过问卷调研了消费者的性别、年龄、职业、文化程度、家庭月收入情况、家庭月支出情况等信息,旨在了解消费者的基本信息,进而分析不同的消费者对猪肉追溯制度的认知情况;同时还调查消费者对农产品关注程度、接受相关知识培训程度、对追溯农产品了解程度、对追溯农产品的信任程度等信息,以及调查消费者对可追溯猪肉的支付意愿。经调研笔者发现,由于接受宣传培训不多,广大消费者对可追溯猪肉相关信息不甚了解,认识水平有限,对可追溯农产品的信任度较高,但实际消费有限;消费者的收入水平、职业、对农产品质量安全的关注程度、质量安全现状的感知程度、可追溯农产品的了解程度、信任程度、是否知道市场上有售可追溯猪肉等因素显著影响消费者对可追溯猪肉的支付意愿。 关键词:可追溯猪肉;支付意愿;可追溯体系;食品安全 Consumer awareness and willingness to pay can be traced back pork——Research-based Shanghai Abstract: China is pig breeding and consumption big country, pork is the main varieties of meat in our people, pork accounted for more than 60% the proportion of the domestic meat consumption. However, domestic food safety issues in recent years, frequent outbreaks, consumers also increasingly concerned about food safety issues. Government departments and enterprises in order to improve the food safety system, accelerate the development of Chinas food industry system, the introduction of food traceability system. But I found that due to inadequate government and corporate propaganda, consumers traceability of agricultural products is not very understanding. In view of this, the author of Shanghai consumers for research, consumer research can be traced back pork cognition and willingness to pay analysis. Questionnaire survey of consumers gender, age, occupation, education level, family income, household monthly expenditure, etc., aimed at understanding the basic information of consumers, to analyze the recognition of the different consumers of pork traceability system know the situation; also investigating the degree of concern, consumers of agricultural products and to accept the knowledge level of training, the level of understanding of the retrospective of agricultural products, trust in the traceability


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