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离子型稀土* 罗仙平1,2,3,,, (江西理工大学,赣州,341000 810006; 3.离子型稀土资源开发及应用省部共建重点实验室,江西赣州341000) 摘要:介绍了离子型稀土矿资源的特点,综述了离子型稀土矿研究进展, 关键词: Research progress of green and high efficient extraction technique and theory of Ion-adsorbed type rare earth ore* Luo Xian-ping1,2,3, Li yun-qiang1, Tang Xue-kun1, Ma Pei-long1, Zhou He-peng1,3 ( 1. Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000,China; 2. Western mining Limited by Share Ltd ,Qinghai Xining 810006 China; 3. Key Laboratory of Ionic-type Rare Earth Resources Development and Application, Ministry of Education, Ganzhou 341000,China) Abstract: The characteristic of the Ion-adsorbed type rare earth ore is introduced. The research progress of extraction technique of Ion-adsorbed type rare earth ore is summarized from the aspect of the Greening and high efficiency development and consummate of the basic theory system of the leaching process. On this basis, some problem such as the adaptation of the in-situ leaching process need improve, poor effect on controlling pollution and geological disasters are raised. In order to promote sustainable development of green and high efficient exploitation technique of ionic-type rare earth ore, it is recommended that researches on basic theory of permeability rule and mass transfer process should be further strengthened in the future,master the rule of secondary migration rule of rare earth and heavy metal ions in tailings, and recovery of low-grade ion-absorbed rare earth be emphasized, Keywords: Ion-adsorbed type rare earth ore; Green and effective leaching process; In-situ leaching process; Slope stability;Basic theory. 稀土是当今世界各国发展高新技术和国防尖端技术、改造传统产业不可缺少的战略物资[1]。我国的稀土矿产资源储量丰富,约占世界稀土储量的30%,根据稀土矿中稀土赋存状态的不同,我国稀土矿一般分为两大类:矿物型稀土矿和离子型稀土矿(也称风化壳淋积型稀土矿)。其中,型稀土矿是1969年在我首次发现的新型外生稀土矿物因其配分齐全,尤其富含所稀缺的中重稀土元素,,在国内外得到了广泛的重视 历经多年的研究与生产实践证明,离子型稀土矿的不仅世界上中重稀土资源匮乏的问题,为创造了的资源条件,而且丰富了稀土元素化学和湿法冶金学等理论,具有的学术价值[]。自发现以来投入了大量的人力和物力对其进行了研究和工艺的开发,的为此做出了重大贡献本文将对科学研究及开采工作进行评述,并在此基础之上结合目前开发利用过程中存在的问题及不足,提出今后的研究方向。


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