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1.? ? ? ? ? 您好!(第一次见面)How do you do? 2.? ? ? ? ? 您好!见到您很高兴。How do you do? I’m very glad to meet you. 3.? ? ? ? ? 让我来介绍一下在座的各位先生。林先生,我们厂的厂长;王先生,厂长总工;吴先生,船体车间主任。Let me introduce the gentlemen present here. This is Mr.Lin, our shipyard manager; Mr.Wang, our chief engineer. Mr.Wu, director of the hull shop. 4.? ? ? ? ? 欢迎您到我们船厂来!welcome to our shipyard! 5.? ? ? ? ? 请坐!Sit down please. 6.? ? ? ? ? 好的,谢谢!Thank you. 7.? ? ? ? ? 请喝茶。Please have a cup of tea. 8.? ? ? ? ? 喂,您好吗?(熟人之间)Hi, how are you? 9.? ? ? ? ? 很好,谢谢。您好吗?Fine, thank you, and how are you? 10.? ? ? 很好,谢谢!Very well, thanks. 11.? ? ? 我们现在就开始工作好吗?Shall we start our work now? 12.? ? ? 好的。OK . 13.? ? ? 请这边走。This way, please. 14.? ? ? 我可以进来吗?May I come in? 15.? ? ? 请进!Yes, please. 16.? ? ? 早晨好,女士。Good morning, ma’am (Madam). 17.? ? ? 早晨好,布莱克先生。请坐。Good morning, Mr.Blake. take a seat, please. 18.? ? ? 谢谢!Thank you, ma’am. 19.? ? ? 请问您有什么事和我商讨?What business would you like to talk with me about? 20.? ? ? 船东想在船上做些变化。The ship owner wants to make some changes in the hull. 21.? ? ? 这样的事,我只能晚些时候回答您。In that case, I need to answer you later. 22.? ? ? 好的。如果你做出了决定,请尽快告诉我。OK. If you make the decision, please tell me soon. 23.? ? ? 没有问题,再见!No problem. Good bye. 24.? ? ? 再见!Good bye. 25.? ? ? 下午好!Good afternoon! 26.? ? ? 下午好!Good afternoon! 27.? ? ? 有一个舱口盖有点问题,我想和你谈谈。There is something wrong with the hatch cover. I would like to discuss it with you. 28.? ? ? 对不起,我听不懂您讲话,您能说得慢一点吗?I’m sorry. I can’t follow you. Can you speak slowly? 29.? ? ? 我的意思是我想和您谈一谈舱口盖的问题。I mean I want to talk with you about the hatch cover. 30.? ? ? 噢,我懂了。到我办公室去详谈。Oh, I see. Let’s go to my office and talk it cover in detail. 31.? ? ? 那再好不过了。That couldn’t be better. 32.? ? ? 我想要一份这种图纸。I would like a copy of this drawing. 33.? ? ? 对不起,我帮不了这个忙。您可以到技术科去要。I’m sorry. I can’t help you. You may ask the technical department for it. 34.? ? ? 您知道电话号码?Do you know the telephone number? 35.? ? ? 分机号是4557。It’s 4557 extension. 36.? ? ? 谢谢!Th


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