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22. remove (1).Please remove your bag from the seat so that I can sit down. 请把你的包从座位上拿走那样我就可以坐下。 remove… from… 把……从某处移开 (2).The doctor tried to remove the patients fear. 那医生尽力地消除病人的恐惧。 (3).Please remove your shoes before coming in. 进屋前请脱鞋。 remove move共性:两者均可用作动 词,表示“移动”。 remove侧重于“拿开,取走” move表示“移动,搬动”,侧重于指改变 位置。 Who has moved my book? 谁动我的书了? Dont move, or Ill shoot. 不许动!否则我就开枪了。 如: She was pleased with the way (that / in which) he had accepted her criticism. 她对他接受批评的态度很满意。 We admired him for the way (that / in which) he faces the difficulties. 我们欣赏他面对困难的方式。 light: v. 照亮,点亮 n. 光,光源,灯 adj.颜色浅的轻的明亮的, light的过去式和过去分词同形,既可以用 lighted又可以用lit。但是作定语修饰名 词时, 应使用lighted。发光的,燃烧的 e.g. a lighted match / light / candle She took the lighted candle into the dark room and immediately the room was lighted/ lit. 20. consider (1). 将……视为,认为,以为(不可用进行式) consider … (to be / as) … I consider him (to be ) my best friend. He considers himself intelligent. We consider it impolite to talk while eating. (2).考虑 consider sth. / doing We considered his suggestion. He is considering studying abroad. 21. 介词+名词 (表状态) at war/work/home/table on show/duty/sale/holiday/fire/watch in trouble/danger/battle/doubt under repair/discussion/construction 3. The Amber Room was taken apart, put inside some wooden boxes and taken away by the Nazis. 4. The new Amber Room was built at the winter palace. T F Post-reading The characteristics of the passage This passage tells the history of the Amber Room in the order of time so that we can clearly know what happened to it. Besides, the passage uses the Past Tense. Listen to the tape and follow it to read the text. Listening Discussion What should we do to protect our cultural relics? Explanation 1. rare: 稀罕的, 稀有的 a rare disease 罕见的病 2. valuable 贵重的, 有价值的 Gold is valuable because it is a scarce metal. value n. 价值 be of great value= be very valuable of+ 抽象n. = adj. be of use=be useful be of help=be helpful be of interes


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