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农业可持续发展障碍研究 姓名: 指导老师: 摘要 中国自古以来都是农业大国,农业长期困扰着中国经济的发展。中国的国情要求中国的农业必须走可持续发展道路。农业的基础产业地位和公益性使得农业发展的规模、水平与自然条件、社会分工、劳动力素质、资本投入以及国家农业政策都有直接的关系,资源的不足和约束、不当的发展策略严重制约我国农业持续、健康发展。作为一个人均自然资源严重不足的人口大国,农业始终是经济发展、社会稳定和国家自立的基础。本文着重讲述现阶段农业可持续发展过程中出现的问题及相关对策,并且指出科协在农业可持续发展中发挥的作用。针对我国农业的可持续发展问题,概述了可持续发展农业的基本特征,总结分析了当前我国在农业可持续发展中而临的问题,要解决这些问题,只有从提高全民素质、加强生态环境保护意识入手,通过科技进步,增加农民收入,才能从根本上实现农业的可持续发展。 关键词:现代农业;循环经济;可持续发展;选择 Obstacles to sustainable development of agriculture research Name of student: Name of tutor: Abstract China is a large agricultural country since ancient times , agriculture long plagued Chinas economic development . China s national conditions and requirements of China s agriculture must take the road of sustainable development. Agriculture, basic industries and nonprofit status makes the scale of agricultural development , the level of natural conditions, the social division of labor, labor quality , capital investment and national agricultural policies have a direct relationship , lack of resources and constraints , improper severely restricting Chinas development strategy agriculture sustainable and healthy development . Large population as a serious shortage of per capita natural resources , agriculture has always been economic development, social stability and national self-sustaining basis . This paper focuses on problems and countermeasures of sustainable agricultural development process stage appeared and pointed out the role played by the Association for sustainable agricultural development. For the sustainable development of agriculture in China , an overview of the basic features of sustainable agricultural development , summarizes and analyzes the current problems in our country in the sustainable development of agriculture and temporary , to solve these problems, only from the improved quality of the people , strengthen environmental protection starting awareness through scientific and technological progress , incre


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