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Revesion Goals lets play the game Make some sentences according to the pictures. (根据图片造句子) I can make a new conversation. Mark between sentences, pause and liaison, reread the words lost blasting phenomenon. Read the passage and answer the question By:Chen Xiaojuan Thin(k) today and spea(k) tomorrow. 三思而后言。 1. 通过师生对话整理归纳所学重点句型。借助语用学生猜 出有关职业的名词,并引导学生说出单词的重音。 2.学生根据汉语翻译成英语。在老师的引导下,会标出句 子的连读、重读、停顿和失去爆破的现象,并能正确的 读出句子。 3.根据设计的若干个活动,进一步运用语言技能,提高学 生运用语言的能力。 job worker scientist fisherman police officer postman pilot businessman coach Please circle the word stress.(请标出单词的重音) job wor·ker scien·tist fisher·man po·lice of·ficer post·man pi·lot business· man coach Please read the words. 4.你想成为一名校长吗?不,我不想。 Translate the sentences into English He works on a boat. He sees lots of fish every day. If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. She wants to work in an office. 3.她想在办公室工作。 2.如果你喜欢运动,你能成为一名教练,一名体育记 者或者是一名体育教师。 1.他在一条船上工作。他每天看见很多鱼。 Do you wan t to be a hea d teacher? No, I dont. 1.He works on a boat. He sees lots of fish every day. 2.If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. 3.She wants to work in an office. 4.Do you want to be a head teacher? No, I dont. Mark loss of explosion in the sentence letter. (标出句子中失去爆破的部分) Mark the sentence pause.(标出句子的停顿) Mark the sentence stress.(标出句子的重读) Mark the liaison in the sentence.(标出句子的连读) // // // ( ) ( ) 1.He works on a boat. He sees lots of fish every day. 2.If you like sports, you can be a coach, a sports reporter, or a PE teacher. 3.She wants to work in an office. 4.Do you want to be a head teacher? No, I dont. Please read the following sentences correctly. (请正确的朗读句子。) // // // ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 1 2 7 5 6 4 3 8 1 2 3 1.标出单词中的重音。 (1).hobby (2).pilot (3). factory (4).postman 2.标出句子中的连读。 (1).Stop at a red light.


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