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* 李明 新疆建设兵团第一师第二中学 2015--12 2b Read the article and complete the pie charts on the next page 读课文完成下页圆形统计图表 教学目标 一知识与技能:掌握重要的词汇: 1 twenty percent of the students 2 free time activities 3 Here are theresults=The results are here 4 one to three times a week5 not at all 6 go online =use the internet 等,2语法:能够用英语表达百分比,能对正确运用频率副词,以及用How often 对频率副词提问,以及by,about,such as介词的用法. 二过程与方法:结合学生实际,由字,词,句,段,篇的顺序由浅入深,逐层伸入的教学方式,步步递进。 三 情感态度与价值观:培养学生分析问题解决问题的能力,培养学生良好的休闲娱乐的方式,倡导学生多运动,锻炼身体,有益健康的价值观, Teaching Aims 一key words词汇梳理: 1 twenty percent of the students 2 free time activities 3 Here are the results =The results are here 4 one to three times a week 5 not at all 6 go online =use the internet 7 such as doing something 8 old habits die hard 9 spend time with somebody 10 the best way to do something 11 although 百分之二十的学生 空闲时间活动 结果在这里 每周一至三次 一点也不 上网 例如做某件事情 旧习难改 和某人一起玩耍 做某件事情最好的方式。 虽然,尽管 Check the words:make a match 1空闲时间活动 2上网 3旧习难改 5做某件事情最好的方式 4虽然,尽管 old habits die hard although free time activities the best way to do something go online Read the first part and the last part quickly and find the answers to the questions below.读第一段和最后一段,回答下列问题 1 How many kinds of free time activities are mentioned(提到)in the text?what?______ A. 3;exercise, use of the internet, watching tv. B. 2; exercise, play basketball. C. 1 use of the internet ,play basketball, swimming 2 What does the writer think is the best way to relax?____ A watching tv B game shows C exercise 第一步初读开头和结尾,了解大意,宏观把握.单选题. Reading1 A C Unit Two Reading Last month we asked our students about their free time activities. Our questions were about exercises, use of the Internet and watching TV. Here are the results. We found that only fifteen percent of our students exercise every day. Forty-five percent exercise four to six times a week. Twenty percent exercise only one to three times a week. And twenty


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