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四年级上册英语期试卷 一、判断划线字母发音是否相同相同打“√”,不同打“×”(10分) ( ) 1、A、cake B、name ( ) 2、A、like B、kite ( ) 3、A、nose B、not ( ) 4、A、big B、five ( ) 5、A、cat B、bag 二、找出不同类的单词。(20分) ( )1、 A. window B. door C. mouse ( )2、A. picture B. fish C. light ( )3、A. driver B. strong C. short ( )4、A. rabbit B. book C. ruler ( )5、A. chair B. fork C. spoon ( )6、 A. forty B. five C. schoolbag ( )7、A. strong B. school C. quiet ( )8、A. sports B. bag C. music ( )9、A. study B. school C. kitchen ( )10、A. computer B. ant C. duck 三、选择合适的答句。(10分) ( )1. Where is my seat ? ( )2. Lets clean the window. ( )3. Are they farmers ? ( )4. May I have a look . ( )5. How many books do you have ? A. Sure, here you are B. It’s near the door C. Twenty—one D. Good idea E. Yes, they are. 四、选择相应的汉语意思。(20分) ( )1. Open the door ( )2. Sweep the floor ( )3. Clean the bedroom ( )4. Listen to music ( )5. Put your eraser near your pencil—case. ( )6. Play computer game ( )7. Go to the kitchen ( )8. Sit on the sofa ( )9. Answer the phone ( )10. Cut with the knife A. 扫地板 B. 玩电脑游戏 C. 坐在沙发上 D.用刀切 E. 听音乐 F. 开门 G. 打扫卧室. H. 接电话 I. 去厨房 J. 把橡皮放在铅笔盒旁 五、情景对话(10分) ( )1. 别人帮助了你,你要说: A. Excuse me B. Thank you ( )2. 你把教室打扫的很干净,老师会说: A. Good idea B. Good job ( )3. 如果你想自己擦黑板,你会说: A. Let me clean the window B. Let me clean the board ( )4. 我的书包很沉。 A. My schoolbag is heavy B. My schoolbag is big ( )5. 你想知道朋友的妹妹的名字你会说: A . What’s his name ? B. What’s her name ? ( )6. 想知道这是不是你的房间,应该问: A. Is this your room ? B. What’s this ? ( )7. 你没做过的事,你想试一试,你会说: A. Let me try B. Let’s go and have a look ( )8. 如果你想请别人开门,你会说: A. Open the door ,please B. Come in please ( )9. 朋友看见全家福照片,你会介绍说: A. Come and meet my family B. They are so nice ( )10. 你哥哥是棒球运动员,你会说: A. My brother is a baseball player B. My brother is a driver ( )11、班里新来了以个男生,你想知道他叫什么名,应该问 A、What’s h


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