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6月8号中午起床后开始英语考前热身:读一、两篇英语作文的范文,恢复语感。 或可做几个单选或一篇阅读,防止思维发生偏差,只做热身,不要对答案。 理顺做题思路,再现各题型做题方法及注意事项,尤其阅读表达及作文。 进入考场后至开考前做些有益事情。或静心或思考或写写注意事项等。 如何迅速进入状态? 高考的时候要早到,不要迟到,因为从容的进入和慌张的进去是不同的。从容的进去,可以静下心来。考前几分钟应独处,不要和人议论。 觉得紧张时,深呼吸 。 握紧拳头再放松,或让手自然垂到体侧,轻微摆动。 各题型注意事项再温习 4. It is often said that home is ___ the heart is and now part of my heart is with my students. A. what??? ??????B. how??? ?????C. where?? ??????D. when 5. Almost every one of the graduates wants to deliver the keynote speech at the graduation ceremony, because for the speaker, ____ is an honor. A. to invite B. invited C. being invited D. inviting 6. Henan Province released a new regulation recently ____ the use of foreign names for naming places and buildings. A. to ban B. banning C. is banned D. having banned --Have you bought the newly-produced equipment on display? --Not yet, for I still prefer ____ at my home. A. the one B. it C. that D. one 小完形: 绝对不难,自信过关,注意甄别。 10分绝对轻松到手。 (注意生活实际) 大部分细节就是用英语解释英语 原文:The things that a kleptomaniac steals are seldom of great value. 考题:Kleptomaniacs usually steal things that are unimportant. 原文: Highway accidents are the leading killer of teenagers. 考题: Most teenagers lost their lives driving on highways. 考场建议: 1、 先看文章再做题,先看题再读文章,两种方法各有利弊。高考时不要临时改变自己一贯熟悉的做法。 2 、最好先大概扫一眼文章,再细读全文。遇有个别词、句不明白应大胆向前看,不要频繁回读。 3、 注意文章标题,这是全文中心意思的体现。 4、注意文章用词, 揣摩作者意图(基调) 考场建议: 1、读文章没必要面面俱到,依题而做。 2、标出题目要求,定准答题形式(时态、人称、字数、一致性等) 3、牢记集中固定答题模式。 4、注意卷面,力求整洁。 5、浏览一遍答案。 安排内容时防止空洞重复 Good afternoon, my dear friends, My name is Li Jin. It’s I who would like to run for the position, vice president of our school English club. As is known to everyone, I once served as monitor in Junior 2, so I have strengths in management. In order to make our school life abundant and colorful, I can manage to hold some interesting lectures and English parties. What’s more, I shall hold some competitions, such as


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