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The rapid expansion of worldwide transportation and communication results in a global village, where people from different cultures are coming into more contact with one another than ever before. Of course, these differences of visiting custom are in our daily life. It is necessary to enhance people’s intercultural awareness and sensitivity. Does everybody really know the differences of visiting customs in Western culture and Chinese culture ? So please follow our steps! We will introduce those differences from 4 parts! * Compare visiting customs in Western culture and Chinese culture Group 5:翁慧敏 麦嘉祺 叶冠佟 潘韫宇 So when it comes to visiting ,we ought to have a better understanding of the differences between Western culture and Chinese culture . 4 parts Visiting appointment Leave During visiting Visiting topics Visiting appointment If a visit is a business prefer to arrange the time in advance If a visit is socially accept the visitor to come straight to the point depend on individual preferances In China If we want to make a reauest, we often make statement or command . eg. a Chinese What she means is “Can I come and see you this afternoon Im coming to see you this afternoon. what she means isI must stay at home this afternoon?Just because she will come to see me ? an American What more Westerners are used to organizing and arranging their time. So,if you wish to invite them to something important,you would better to give them advance notice(at least a week in advance). During visiting In the West Would you like to take off your coat. The Host If he/she says “yes” Its assumed that they will stay for long time If he/she say“No” Its assumed that they are going to stay a minute. During visiting In the West Would you like a cup of tea? The Host If he/she says “yes” The host will give he/she a cup and expected to drink it all.After finish it,the host will offer them a second one. If


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