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A Song of Ice and Fire George R. R. Martin White Walkers Nights Watch 守夜人军团是北境长城上的守备军,为阻挡长城以北的野人以及传说生物而存在,古时是被称为“黑骑士”的高贵军团,现时是七大王国流放者和罪犯的收容所,依旧守卫着北方。 A Song of Ice and Fire /s/1qWySDi8 1-3季高清资源 1-4季高清资源网址 1-5季中英文小说 提取码:ddyc * 1. ?权力的游戏? A Game of Thrones 2. ?列王的纷争? A Clash of Kings 3. ?冰雨的风暴? A Storm of Swords 4. ?群鸦的盛宴? A Feast for Crows 5. ?魔龙的狂舞? A Dance with Dragons 6. ?凛冽的寒风? The Winds of Winter 7. ?春晓的梦想? A Dream of Spring WINTERFALL 临冬城 Winterfall is capital of Northern land, and also the duchy of family Stark, known as the wolfs. Stark is the oldest family in the seven lands, whose history dates back to thousands of years ago, the earliest people. Stories of their family are filled with glory, sadness and tough. All the five protagonist came from the Starks. They are characterized with each aspect of wolves. In the beginning of the story, the family leader Duke Stark was killed by Queen Cersei in an intrigue. And his son, Rob Stark, declared the war to Cersei and her family, Lannister, the lions. There began the Five Kings’ War. Stark’s family words is: Winter comes. THE EYRIE 鹰巢城 Eyrie is a family full of wit, the most intelligent prime minister of King Robber came from this family. They are the lord of valley land which is consisted with maintains and gorges, one of the seven Dukes in the kingdom, known as the hawks. The family word is ‘as high as glory’, so they consider glory as the most important moral. When the prime found out an scary secret that the three prince and princess were none of King Robber’s children, he decided to claim Robber’s elder brother Stannis as the heritor of Kingdom. Queen Cersei poisoned him to death for that secret. Machiavellians in river land made the only son of prime the Duke Eyrie, trying to find a place in the crashing kingdom. But the son is a eight years old boy, and has some mental disease. DRAGENSTONE 龙石岛 It is the hometown of Tangrian family, and thousands of years ago, the dragon prince Ylemen and his


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