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1.A project team member has completed his work on the project. Which of the following MUST the project manager do then? A. Provide the team member with copies of his/her work on the project B. Update the employee?s records with the new skills acquired C. Invite him/her to the project closure party D. Check to make sure he/she is happy with his/her performance 1. 一个项目团队成员已经完成该项目的工作,下面哪项是项目经理必须做的 A.提供该团队成员项目工作的副本 B.更新这个职员的记录,记载获得的新技能 C.邀请他/她出席项目收尾聚会 D.检查以确认他/她对自己的绩效满意 2.Given that you are neighbors, you and the CEO of your company have established a friendly personal relationship. This fact has not gone unnoticed by your peers and associates. Which type of power available to project managers might you be able to rely on? A. Referent B. Reward C. Formal D. Expert 2. 假定你和公司的CEO 是邻居, 你们的关系比较铁, 而公司的同事也都知道你们之间的 关系比较好。你会依靠下列哪种权力类型来行使项目经理的权力? A. 参照型 B. 酬劳型 C. 正式型 D. 专家型 3. Your boss believes that all of your project team members avoid work as much as possible. He or she often uses threats and various control schemes to make sure people are doing their jobs. Which approach to managing people does your boss follow? A. Maslow?s hierarchy of needs B. Theory X C. Theory Y D. Herzberg?s motivation and hygiene factors 3. 你的老板认为你的所有团队成员都在尽可能少工作,他用了很多威胁和其他监督手段来 让大家完成工作,他的管理方法说明了: A. 马斯洛的需求层次论 B. X 理论 C. Y 理论 D. 赫兹伯格的激励和保健理论 4.You are a fabulous project manager, and your team thinks highly of you. You are well respected by the stakeholders, management team, and project team. When you make decisions, others follow your lead as a result of which of the following? A. Referent power B. Expert power C. Legitimate power D. Punishment power 4. 你是一名出色的项目经理。你的小组成员对你非常尊敬。项目干系人,管理小组,项目 组也都很尊敬你。当你做出决定时,其他人能遵照你的要求去办。这是一种什么样的权力类 型? A. 指示权 B. 专家权 C. 法律权 D. 惩罚权 5.Giving a team member a corner office is different from giving him health benefits because a corner office is a(n)_____ A. perquisite. B. fringe benefit. C.use of the expectancy theory. D.example of formal power 5. 给予一个团队成员单独办公室,与给他健康保障有区别的,因




