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上海市商务英语等级考试BET中级教材练习及答案 Unit One International Trade IV. Translate the following sentences into English: 在国际贸易中,国家间常常出售同类产品,在汽车业、纺织业、鞋类和食品业是这样,而且从长期看,任何产品都可能是这样。 Countries often sell each other the same products in international trade. This is true for automobiles, textiles, shoes, foodstuffs, and in the long-term, possibly for any products. 外贸能促使两个贸易国增进了解,增加财富并建立平等互利的良好关系。 Foreign trade enables two trading countries to promote understanding, increase prosperity and build up good relations on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. 一旦商品出售后,公司就必须提供售后服务来保证顾客的满意,从而促进将来的销售。 Once goods are sold, the company must provide after-sales service to ensure customer satisfaction and promote future sales. 补偿贸易是当地公司或厂商取得外汇支付进口设备或技术的一种间接的融资方式。 Compensation trade is an indirect way for local companies or manufacturers to acquire foreign exchange to finance the import of equipment or technology. 在国际贸易中业务成交与实际交货时间间隔较长,因此付款问题远比国内贸易复杂。 In international trade, the time between the conclusion of business and the actual delivery of the goods is rather long. Therefore, payment is far more complicated than that in domestic trade. V. Write an English letter in the full correct layout based on the information or instructions given below: 1.我们是一家在建的五星级饭店。 2.对方产品目录中的NOBLE系列的整套卧室家具(bedroom suite)感兴趣。 3.要求了解对方的贸易条件,及能否给予贸易及数量折扣。 4.请对方速寄所用材料的样品及色卡(color chart)。 5.盼尽快复函。 June 8, 2008 Dear Sir We have learned your name and address from the Internet, and we are interested in your Noble bedroom suite listed in your catalogue. We are a five-star restaurant under construction and would like to have details of your trade terms, trade and quantity discounts. We would appreciate it if you could send us promptly your samples for materials and the color charts. We look forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours Zhang Wen (Mr) Purchase Manager VI. Interpret the following passage into English: 本公司成立于1983年,是专营服装进出口业务的外贸公司。经营范围包括各 衬衫、T-恤衫、夹克衫和运动服等。


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