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Oxymoron [,?ksi‘m?:r?n] (矛盾修饰法) is a paradox reduced to two words, usually in an adjective-noun or adverb-adjective relationship, and is used for effect, complexity, emphasis, or wit: Senator Rosebud calls this a useless plan; if so, it is the most helpful useless plan we have ever enacted. The cost-saving program became an expensive economy. * Zeugma [zju:gm?] 轭式修饰法zeugmatic usage would include one subject with two (or more) verbs, a verb with two (or more) direct objects, two (or more) subjects with one verb, and so forth. The main benefit of the linking is that it shows relationships between ideas and actions more clearly. Drop his bag and his soul in the restaurant, he ran madly for the starting car. The evil wound is cured, but not the evil name. * Allusion [?‘lju:??n] (典故)is a short, informal reference to a famous person or event: If you take his parking place, you can expect World War II all over again. Plan ahead: it wasnt raining when Noah built the ark. * Syllepsis [silepsis] (一语双叙) The senator picked up his hat and his courage. He possessed two faulse teeth and a sympathetis heart. * Self Test Her animated expression and warm smile were an invitation for me to go on. …my confidence and enthusiasm returned Few hands went up. …hoping to find the Lianis before it was too late. If we find no models of love, then we grow up love-starved and unloving. His father’s eyes welled up with tears… While attempting to open doors to love for others, I found that the doors were opening for me. From the nervous laughter, I could tell that many shared the young woman’s feeling. * Personification Personification synecdoche Metonymy Metaphor Metaphor Metaphor Transferred epithet Life is made up of sobs, swiffles and smiles -- but mainly of sobs. -- O. Henry ALLITERATION Translations are like women -- when they are faithful they are not beatiful, when they are beatiful they ar



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