l x200 polar alignment procedure-oc(l procedure-oc alignment x200 polar).doc

l x200 polar alignment procedure-oc(l procedure-oc alignment x200 polar).doc

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LX200 Polar Alignment Procedure Iterative Method by Philip Perkins Ive found accurate polar alignment of the LX200 to be a 5 part process that involves a lot more than just aligning the fork arm with the celestial pole. Each part is equally significant to the end result. This procedure has nothing pioneering or exotic about it - in fact its remarkably standard. However it does have several additions, clarifications, and even omissions from the procedure contained in the LX200 manual. Also by virtue of all steps being contained in one text it is hopefully an easier reference than the standard manual. The procedure assumes you have an LX200 with 3.34 ROMs and Superwedge, tripod mounted. Those lucky enough to have their LX200 permanently mounted may also be interested in some of this (ignoring the part on tripod levelling). I believe that this procedure would work equally well with the standard wedge, however the description is oriented toward the Superwedge. With 3.30 ROMs I never achieved good polar alignment using this same method, so I believe that 3.34 ROMs are very significant. Caveat: This procedure works fine for me but may not suit everyone - in fact it may even contain errors. Id be very interested in any feedback. ? 1. Aligning OTA with fork at 90 deg Definition: Spirit Level - a standard level for carpenters, plumbers, etc, that has a bubble level in both of the horizontal and vertical axes. Widely available from almost any DIY store. The one I use is made by Stanley and is about 10 long. 1) Ensure telescope is in stowed mode - corrector plate cover on and rear cell aperture covered. 2) Remove telescope from wedge and place on sturdy, level surface (ensure top bolt is removed from baseplate first). Ensure RA and Dec locks are free. Align tube with rear cell uppermost. Use cardboard or paper shims to level drive base on this surface, using bubble level in drive base as reference. This is an important step, so get best accuracy. I found the built-in bubble



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