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商务英语礼仪ppt 商务英语电话礼仪 在商务英语中,和客户约好时间却又临时有事,只得电话通知对方,此时考验你电话英语技巧的时候就到了,今天小编为你带来一些实用的电话英语技巧,赶快来学习一下吧! Change of plan更改计划 我们要确认对方能否接受这次计划的改变 tell me if its okay ··New meeting date会议新时间 像第一种情况一下,我们依旧要确认对方对计划更改的看法confirm that its okay ··Order problem订货问题 订货出现问题,我们的关键应该集中在check back with me了 ··Cancellation of seminar取消研究项目 在(来自:www.zaidian.cOm 在 点 网:商务英语礼仪ppt)以资金为基础的研讨项目中,重点自然是tell me how to pay your fee back to you ··Invitation to dinner晚宴邀请 请人吃饭时,最不能忽略的就是时间地点啦。What day is convenient for you? ··Courtesy call售后服务电话 优质商家通常会在产品售出后对顾客做回访调查,假如你卖出了一个打印机,那么你需要对顾客进行了解:tell me if everything is okay with your printer? 篇二:中西方商务礼仪(英文) Different Business Etiquette between China and the West I. Introduction Business etiquette is a kind of civilization accumulation of human being.It becomes fixed during the business communication, being handed down from generation to generation. It is also a kind of standard behavior observed by the businessmen in their communication. Different countries have different culture traditions, so their business etiquette is also different from one another. There are great cultural differences between the cultural cores of Confucian in China and the cores of Christian in the West, which leads to some differences in the business etiquette between China and West. II. The Influence of Cultural Differences on Business Etiquette Differences Between China and the West Generally speaking, the differences on business etiquette between China and the West are influenced by several cultural factors, such as values, view of time, view of space, view of diet, verbal habits and nonverbal. The paper mainly focuses on time and space approach. 2.1 From the approach of time Thoreau once said,“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.”Now, we use the phrase “the beat of a different drummer”to explain any different pace of life. The attitudes toward time vary from culture to culture. And it is unde



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