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亚运会,开幕 国务院副总理、上海世博会组委会主任委员王岐山在上海世博会开幕式上致辞 Remarks by Mr. Excellency, Wang Qishan, Vice Premier of the State Council, and chairman of the Organizing Committee of the World Expo 2010 Shanghai, China 尊敬的胡锦涛主席和夫人,尊敬的蓝峰主席,尊敬的各位来宾,女士们,先生们: Your Excellency President Hu and Madam Liu Yongqing, Your Excellency Mr. Chairman, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, 此刻,我们相聚在美丽的黄浦江畔,共同开启一场全球盛会的帷幕。明天,有着159年历史的世博会将首次在发展中国家、在中国举行。 At this moment, we are gathering here to open a grand global Expo beside the beautiful Huangpu River. Tomorrow will mark the inception of the World Expo, with a history of 159 years, in China, a developing country. 感谢国际展览局的成员国!是你们的选择,让中国人民对世博会的向往,从遥远的憧憬成为今天的现实. Thank you memberships of the International Exposition’s Bureau, for your choice having enabled the Chinese people to turn their long aspirations of the World Expo into reality today.。 感谢246个国家和国际组织以及中外企业的参展方!是你们的无限激情、智慧、创意、精湛技艺,让一座座美仑美奂的展馆展现了生命的力量,传递着和平、友爱、希望。 Thank you 240 countries, international organizations and participants of enterprises from both home and abroad, for your everlasting enthusiasm, intelligence and exquisite craftsmanship, having taken in front of us a series of magnificent and robust pavilions, which epitomize peace, friendship, love and hope. 感谢全国人民,尤其是上海市人民,以及上海世博会的建设者、工作者和志愿者!是你们的参与和奉献、理解和支持,让我们得以分享上海世博会的辉煌。 My thanks should also go to all the Chinese people, people in Shanghai municipality, and builders, staff, volunteers of the Expo in particular, for your participation, dedication, comprehension and strong support, due to which, we can share a splendid Shanghai Expo. 一个半世纪以来,人类前进的脚步在世博会上留下了不可磨灭的印迹。 Over the past 150 years, human progress has marked indelible prints of the history of world expos. “城市,让生活更美好”。第一次以“城市”为主题的上海世博会,是各国人民创新、合作、交流的平台。她将打开未来城市的大门,引领新的生活方式,促进人与城市、自然相和谐,推动建设平安、文明、幸福的城市,促进人的全面发展。 Initiating the theme as “better city, better life”, around city, the Shanghai Expo will offer a platform for innovation, cooperat


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