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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福词汇感官动词用法分析 摘要: 托福词汇感官动词用法分析!托福词汇中比较多用法的是感官动词。这里总结了hear,see等感官动词的用法,供考生参考使用,希望考生能够认真备考,希望对同学们有所帮助。 托福 词汇感官动词用法分析! 托福词汇 中比较多用法的是感官动词。这里总结了hear,see等感官动词的用法,供考生参考使用,希望考生能够认真备考,希望对同学们有所帮助。 1. object + infinitive or -ing form Hear, see, watch, notice and similar verbs of perception can be followed by object + infinitive (without to) or object + -ing form. I heard him go down the stairs. I heard him going down the stairs. (NOT I heard him went down the stairs.) There is often a difference of meaning. We use an infinitive after these verbs to say that we hear or see the whole of an action or event, and we use an -ing form to suggest that we hear or see an action or event in progress, going on. Compare: ----- I saw her cross the road. ( = As I looked, she crossed it from one side to the other.) I saw her crossing the road. (= As I looked, she was crossing it - she was in the middle, on her way across) ----- I once heard him give a talk on Japanese politics. As I walked past his room I heard him talking on the phone. ----- Watch me jump over the stream. I like to watch people walking in the street. ----- I heard the bomb explode. (NOT I heard the bomb exploding.) I saw the book lying on the table. (NOT I saw the book lie.....) A progressive form can suggest repetition. I saw her throwing stones at the other children. After can see/hear (which refer to actions and events that are in progress), only -ing structure is used. I could see John getting on the bus. (NOT I could see John get...) These structures can be used after passive forms of hear and see. In this case, the infinitive has to. He was never heard to say thaks you in his life. (NOT He was never heard say....) Justice must not only be down; it must be seen to be done. She was seen walking away from the accident Passive forms of watch and notice are not used in this way. 2. possessives not used After these verbs, possessives can


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