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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福机经背景分类医学类:饮食习惯与热力学 任何饮食习惯都无法违反热力学定律,即使现在充斥各种神奇的减重方法,减轻体重的唯一方法只有消耗的热量。但新的研究指出增加体重的身体位置可以提供线索来决定那种饮食习惯将最适合你。 【Section One】Article No diet has ever been able to defy the laws of thermodynamics. Whether you go low carb, low fat, low this or low that, the only way to lose weight is to burn more calories than you consume. Even the new it diet, volumetrics—which uses fancy terms such as energy density and satiety to describe why filling up on certain low-calorie, water-based foods like celery makes you less hungry—can‘t miraculously melt away fat. But new research indicates that where on your body you pack on extra kilograms may provide a clue to determining which diet will work best for you. It is already widely accepted that even the most rigorously adhered-to diet will not produce the same results from person to person. Some of us are simply genetically predisposed to burn more calories more efficiently than others. Restricting those calories, as you do on a diet, will similarly lead to differing results. But the biggest wild card in the diet game may be how you crank out insulin. As digestion breaks down much of what we eat into sugary, energy-rich fuel that helps keep us on the go, insulin triggers the body to store excess sugar floating around the bloodstream as fat. Insulin was particularly important in our caveman days, when we needed the energy from one meal to last as long as possible, until we had hunted down the next. Insulin is the hormone of feast, says Gary D. Foster, director of the center for obesity research and education at the Temple University School of Medicine in Philadelphia. But nowadays, with food so plentiful that groups like Weight Watchers are making a fortune promoting portion control, our insulin is often forced to work overtime, sweeping up the excess carbohydrates we pour into our system from candy bars or fruit juice or starchy foods like pasta. Sometimes insulin can do such a good job of responding to a spi


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