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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福口语考试八个加分金句 1. A lesson is repeated until it is Learned. 一个教训会不断地重复,直至你领悟了。 A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it (as evidenced by a change in your attitude and ultimately your behavior) then you can go on to the next lesson. 生活会以不同的形式教育你,直到你的态度和行为发生改变。完全领悟了,你会开始走向下一堂课。 2. Learning lessons does not end. 学无止境。 There is no stage of life that does not contain some lessons. As long as you live there will be somthing more to learn. 无学习,不人生。只要你活着,学习就不会停。 3. Others are merely mirrors of you. 别人不过是你的镜子。 You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects something you love or hate about yourself. When tempted to criticize others, ask yourself why you feel so strongly. 一个人对另一个人的爱憎,完全是因为对方折射了自己身上的某些东西。当你想批评别人的时候,先问问自己为什么反应如此强烈。 4.The answer lie inside of you. 答案就在你身边。 The solutions to all of life problems lie within your grasp. All you need to do is ask, look, listen and trust yourself. 所有问题的解决方案尽在自己的掌控之中。你只需要对自己提问、观察、倾听,还有信任。 5. There are no mistakes, only lessons. 没有错误,只有教训。 Growth is a process of trial, error and experimentation. You can learn as much from failure as you can from success. Maybe more. 成长是探索、犯错和试验的过程。失败和成功一样能教会你东西,甚至更多。 6. You will learn lessons. “人生”学校,无所不教。 You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called Life. Each day, you will be presented with opportunities to learn what you need to know. The lessons presented are often completely different from those you need. 有一所大学,非正式但终身制,这就是人生。每天,它都会有机会教给你你应该学会的东西。常常,人生的课程并非你想要的。 7. You will receive a body. 关爱自己,受益无限。 You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for as long as you live. How you take care of it or fail to take care of it can make an enormous difference in the quality of your life. 无论喜欢还是厌恶,你的身体要跟随你一辈子。能否照顾好自己的身体,会决然影响你的一生。 8. What you make of your life is up to you. 你的生活你做主。 You have all the tools and resources you need. What you create with those tools and resources


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