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智课网TOEFL备考资料托福写作过渡词汇的如何正确运用呢? 摘要: 托福写作过渡词汇的如何正确运用呢?在托福写作过程中,使用一些承上启下的过渡词会让读者便于理解,为整篇文章增光添色不少。那么托福写作过渡词汇的如何正确运用呢?今天,智课教 托福写作过渡词汇的如何正确运用呢?在托福写作过程中,使用一些承上启下的过渡词会让读者便于理解,为整篇文章增光添色不少。那么托福写作过渡词汇的如何正确运用呢?今天,智课教育就来为大家介绍一下,托福写作中时间、因果关系、并列关系、递进关系、转折关系、比较关系、解释说明托福写作过渡词汇的运用。 1) 托福写作过度词——时间 表示时间的过渡词能用到以下表达:before, after, ago, later, then, next, at the same time, while,meanwhile, since, during. EXAMPLE As China has witnessed its dramatic transformation in economy since1978, people’s life has been altered a lot compared with decades of years ago.During the past years, people’s eating habits have also been different. With more choicesemerging, there are more kinds of food available; at the same time, theprocessed technology makes it possible to preserve the nutrients of food asmuch as possible. 2) 托福写作过度词—— 因果关系 表示一个事物引起另一个事物的过渡词能用到以下表达:because, because of, since, on account of, due to, owing to, so, therefore,thereby, hence, thereby, thus, as a result, result in, as a consequence,consequently. EXAMPLE Meanwhile, in some rich countries and areas where education ishighly developed, there are other factors which may hind a country’sdevelopment, such as environmental pollution. Beijing, for example, as China’s educationcenter, has seen its people suffering from heavy smog since several years ago.With the rapid development of this metropolis, the air quality is getting worseand worse. People get sick and some of them even die. More and more companiesand workers are leaving this city because of the unaffordable health cost,resulting in huge economic damage. In this case, it is air quality that acts asthe most key part in social development instead of education. Thus the mosturgent task for the government is to improve the air quality other thanimproving schools. 3) 托福写作过度词—— 并列关系 在写作中表示并列关系可用以下表达:First…Second…Third….Also, as well as, and, similarly,besides,On one hand…one theother hand… EXAMPLE In contrast, to protect the environment and develop


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