pb调用webapi PB中可使用的Windows API调用简介.doc

pb调用webapi PB中可使用的Windows API调用简介.doc

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pb调用webapi PB中可使用的Windows API调用简介 导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“PB中可使用的Windows API调用简介”资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92的支持! PB中可使用的Windows API调用简介    Lists the PowerBuilder syntax for calling Windows API functions. Also included is the PowerBuilder script needed to make the function calls 32 Bit - Windows API Calls for PowerBuilder The following information lists the PowerBuilder syntax for calling Windows API functions. Also included is the PowerBuilder script needed to make the function call. If you would like an example of these API calls the sample pbl is located on the Powersoft FTP server. The file can be downloaded from: These API calls are only a subset of all the API calls available. For a more complete listing of API calls you can consult the windows SDK helpfile which is named either win32.hlp or win32sdk.hlp(depending on what compiler the SDK has been installed from). Technote #44648 can assist you with the function declaration of the API call from powerscript. The following API calls are referenced in this document: Arc GetCurrentDirectoryA Mouse_Event Beep GetCurrentThread MoveToEx BringWindowToTop GetCursor MoveWindow Chord GetCursorPos Pie CloseHandle GetDC Polygon CloseWindow GetKeyboardState PostMessageA CopyFileA GetKeyState Rectangle CreateDirectoryA GetModuleHandleA ReleaseCapture DeleteFileA GetParent SetCapture DeleteMenu GetPixel SetComputerNameA DestroyWindow GetSystemTime SetCurrentDirectoryA DllRegisterServer GetSystemMenu SetCursorPos Ellipse GetSystemMetrics SetFocus ExitWindowsEx GetThreadPriority SetKeyboardState FatalExit GetUserNameA SetPixel FindWindowA GetWindowsDirectory Sleep FreeLibrary GlobalMemoryStatus SndPlaySoundA GetBkColor LineTo SwapMouseButton GetCapture LoadLibraryA WaveOutGetNumDevs GetComputerNameA mciSendStringA WinExec GetClassNameA MessageBoxA ... ADDITIONS: GetVolumnInformationA ... Arc( ) This function draws an arc based on the coordinates the function receives. There is no PowerBuilde


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