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Writing week 2: Unit 3 Establishing Business Relation 信的内容一般包括以下几点: 一 怎样得知对方公司的名称和地址 二 自我介绍 三 阐述写信的目的 四 表明建立业务关系的愿望并希早日回复。 获得客户名址的途径: 1. 参加交易会或博览会 2. 国内外的商会,商务参赞处或其它的商务组织。 3. 贸易伙伴的介绍 4. 代表团互访 5. 市场调查 6. 客户自我介绍 7. 通过银行 8. 广告 范文:见书。 WAn enquiry is a request for information. First step in business communication Two categories: A general enquiry(一般询盘) a specific enquiry(具体询盘). General enquiry catalogue, price list,quotation sheets,an illustration, or photos specific enquiry specification of a sample, commodity, shipment the quantity, unit price ,FOB or CIF Enquiry made by: Post mail/ fax/ e-mail/ telephone/ courier service. How to write general enquiry 1. Tell the source of information and make a brief self-introduction说明消息来源和自我介绍。 2. Express the intention of writing the letter: a catalogue, or pricelist, a sample or sample book etc.说明写信的目的,想了解的感兴趣的商品,索要商品的目录、价格单、样品等等。 3. Hope of cooperation and early reply 希望尽快收到回复。 Notes Discount n. 折扣 常用作:allow/give/make/grant…% discount off/on the prices of goods 按货价给予…….%的折扣 cash discount 现金折扣 quantity discount 数量折扣 special discount 特别折扣 e.g. We give 10% discount for cash payment. 现金付款,我们给予九折优惠。 We are prepared to allow you a special discount of 5% to compensate for the trouble we have caused. 我们准备给与你们5%的特别折扣,以补偿给你方造成的不便。 The highest discount we can allow you on this article is 10%. 这种商品我们所能给的最高折扣是10%。 To be frank with you, a discount of 4% wouldn’t help very much. 坦率地说,4%的折扣意义不大。 How to write specific enquiry 1. Tell the names and describe the goods inquired for, including specifications, quantity, etc. 具体说明想了解的商品的有关细节。 2. whether there is a possibility of giving a special discount and what terms of payment and time of delivery you would expect.说明写信的目的,想了解商品的价格区间、交易条件、交货时间等。 3. State the possibility of packing an order.介绍本地对商品的需求情况等,希望做成订单。(induce) 4. Anticipation for a prompt reply. 期盼报盘。 Notes 1. quote/quotation与offer的区别 常用的句型为quote sb. price fo


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