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Birthstone Month 月份 Birthstone 生辰宝石 Symbol 美好象征 January 一月 Garnet 石榴石 Faithful Eternal Sincerity 忠诚、永恒、真诚 February 二月 Amethyst 紫晶 Honest Gentle 诚实、平和 March 三月 Aquamarine 海蓝宝石 Composure Brave Clever 沉着、勇敢、聪明 April 四月 Diamond 钻石 Blanche 纯洁无暇 May 五月 Emerald 祖母绿 Luck Happiness 幸运、幸福 June 六月 Pearl 珍珠 Health Longevity Rich 健康、长寿、富贵 July 七月 Ruby 红宝石 Warmth Kind-heartedness Dignity 热情、仁爱、尊严 August 八月 Peridot 橄榄石 Harmony 夫妻幸福、和睦 September 九月 Sapphire 蓝宝石 Kindness Honest 慈爱、诚实 October 十月 Opal 欧泊 Happy Peace 欢喜、安乐 November 十一月 Topaz 黄玉 Friendship Hope 友情、希望、洁白 December 十二月 Turquoise 绿松石 The sure of success 成功的保证 Garnet(石榴石) Garnet species are found in many colors including red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown, black, pink and colorless. The rarest of these is the blue garnet, discovered in the late 1990s in Bekily, Madagascar. It is also found in parts of the United States, Russia and Turkey. It changes color from blue-green in the daylight to purple in incandescent light, as a result of the relatively high amounts of vanadium(V). 不同种类的石榴石有很多不同的颜色,包括红、橙、黄、绿、蓝、紫、棕、黑、粉红及透明。 其中最罕见的蓝石榴石,于1990年代后期在马达加斯加贝基利(Bekily)首先被发现。此外在美国部分地区、俄罗斯及土耳其亦有其踪影。因为高钒含量的关系,它的颜色在白热光(incandescent)下会由蓝绿色转为紫色。 Amethyst(紫晶) Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz (SiO2) and owes its violet color to irradiation , iron impurities and the presence of trace elements, which result in complex crystal lattice substitutions . The hardness of the mineral is the same as quartz, thus it is suitable for use in jewelry. Pure quartz, traditionally called rock crystal (sometimes called clear quartz), is colorless and transparent or translucent. Common colored varieties include citrine, rose quartz(pink quartz), prasiolite, rutilated quartz, amethyst, smoky quartz and milky quartz. 紫晶是一种紫色的石英(SiO2),它的紫罗兰色具有独特的光彩,铁和其他微量元素是它的致色原因,也导致它独特的晶格结构。紫晶的硬度和石英一样,所以它很适合做珠宝。 纯净的石英,习惯上叫做水晶(有时也叫做无色的石英),它是无色的透明的或者半透明的。常见的石英有很多种类的颜色,包括黄晶,玫瑰晶(粉晶),绿晶,发晶,紫晶,烟晶和乳水晶。 Aquamarine(


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