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大连海事大学 毕 业 论 文      二○一三年六月 A港口集装箱码头岸桥与场桥配套仿真研究 专业班级:物流管理三班 姓 名:吴岳 指导教师:郑红星 交通运输管理学院 摘 要 集装箱码头是一个, 《2012年全球港口发展报告》指出,受全球经济环境持续恶化,国际贸易量、海运量增速下调,全球主要集装箱港口呈现出一派萧条的景象2012年港口货物吞吐量增速不足5% 针对集装箱码头设备配套的相关研究不胜枚举,泊位和岸桥都是码头的稀有资源,其配置是否合理直接影响船舶在港时间,场桥作为堆场最主要的装卸设备已成为诸多码头堆场瓶颈资源,其效率低下直接决定了内外集卡的等待时间,影响客户满意度。考虑到短期内集装箱码头挂靠船舶的装卸量可以通过船东发给港方的预配图获悉,同时泊位与岸桥配置与作业计划短期内固定。本文主要研究的是针对特定泊位与岸桥分配计划下,以所有集卡等待与场桥大车移动成本之和最小为目标建立场桥配置及调度的集成模型,以便于得出A港口某营运时段内的岸桥与场桥配套比和各箱区内各台场桥的具体调度方案。设计了求解集成模型的改进遗传算法(带基因修复技术),针对A港口实际作业情况选择实验算例并利用Matlab编译改进的遗传算法求解算例。最后利用Flexsim仿真软件进行优化结果的分析验证,并以设备利用率等为评价指标对提出的配套及调度方法与A港口现有方法进行比较。 关键词:集装箱码头; 设备配套; 场桥调度; 改进遗传算法; Flexsim仿真分析 ABSTRACT Container port is a discrete and random operation system which can be described as below, make full use of the facilities and the information technology in order to control the whole import or export operation system including vessel berthing system, the Q/C discharge/load system and horizontal transport operations and so on. “Global port development report of 2012”points out the increasing pace of global trade and seaborne trade volume is decreasing with the constant deterioration of the global economy ,the container volume growth is only less than 5% and all the container harbors are in depression now and the nightmare will last long judging from the current status of global trade.. For every container port, the most important urgent problem is how to improve the efficiency and productivity when faced with uncertain work order, which will come true only when the terminal facilities are well arranged both in the quantities and the schedule, as a result, the ports can satisfy customers and save operation cost at the same time. It’s true there are plenty of facility matching research, berth and quay crane are rare resources for every port and have a direct effect on the window time of each vessel, and as the most import facility in the yard, yard crane is actually th


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