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applied linguistics-new 应用语言学 应用语言学隐藏 窗体底端 《应用语言学概论》 应用语言学概论》教学大纲 LOGO Contents An Introduction to Applied Linguistics 学分 2 学时 32 考核 考试 2011-09 主要教学内容 绪论 应用语言学研究的历史与现状 学科性质与定位 研究方法 发展趋势 2011-09 学科理论框架 应用语言学在当代语言学研究中所出 的地位 语言与语言学的关系 2011-09 语言学的发展途径 语言的本质和不同语言之间的可比度问题 语言研究的历史 语言的共性特征 语言对比 跨文化对比中的语法问题 抽象语言观和社会语言观 习得的基本问题 语言学流派及对教学的影响 2011-09 考核方式 平时成绩1: 出勤和课堂参 与 10% 平时成绩2: 学期小论文 30% 期末考试 60% 2011-09 Learning strategies Anticipation Call up Previous knowledge focus attention on the topic recall your own Chinese and English learning experience 2011-09 Learning strategies Consolidating knowledge summarize the main ideas of the topics ask additional questions interpret the ideas make personal response and share opinions test out the ideas 2011-09 Learning strategies Anticipation Text Text Text Cycle name Text Text 2011-09 LOGO Theoretical linguistics It’s concerned with developing models of linguistic knowledge. the core of theoretical linguistics syntax phonology morphology semantics 2011-09 Applied linguistics Applied linguistics is an interdisciplinary field of study. psychology anthropology education linguistics sociology 2011-09 Applied linguistics Major branches of applied linguistics include bilingualism and multilingualism, computer-mediated communication (CMC), conversation analysis, contrastive linguistics, linguistics language assessment, literacies, discourse analysis, language pedagogy, pedagogy second language acquisition, acquisition lexicography, language planning and policies, pragmatics, forensic linguistics, and translation. 2011-09 Diagram the early days 1960s 1970s 1990s 2011-09 Relationship between linguistics and applied linguistics Their relationship is to be a fruitful partnership. It’s neither a top-down imposition by theorists on practitioners, nor a bottom-up cynicism levelled by practitioners against theoreticians. Both sides of the linguistics/applied linguistics relationship ought to be accounta


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